The following will give you a long string of text using common words separated by a space; it is very fast after the first execution (which loads some indices):
StringRiffle@RandomWord["CommonWords", 100]
"dexterous calibration ethical nocturnal misfortune ruining commodious refreshing gable arithmetic sacristy doorknocker thread measles pittance disrupted chorister discharge arbitrarily midday vainglory anvil walking spotty philosopher plutonium balboa lynx resignedly distinct python photostat platypus okra predetermination
fanlight knickknack scuttlebutt adios silents forewarn business carbonic pigeonhole motivation diagnostician awareness flushed sentimentally painting shirring impeccable proficiency racketeering snack soulfully excision chaplain writer anthologist psychologically fulfillment televangelist Thursday gibbon broadcasting hideously recombination voucher brownstone absentee blockbuster freshly unpasteurized freethinker womanliness gender bellwether overrating pronoun tarmacadam reachable hypothermia elsewhere knead egress exonerate nuts slanted hand-to-hand pyramidal visualize characterize thriftless strap quite tourney baryon alarm consanguineous"
Alternatively, you can also use the built in Lorem Ipsum in the example data collection:
ExampleData[{"Text", "LoremIpsum"}]
? For instance,AbsoluteTiming[RandomWord["CommonWords", 100000];]
takes only a fraction of a second. $\endgroup$