Suppose we have parametrized curve $\gamma(t)$. For instance, consider $\gamma(t)$ as the folium
folium[t_] := {3 t/(1 + t^3), 3 t^2/(1 + t^3)}
Then we obtained the Cartesian equation $f(x,y)=g(x,y)$ of $\gamma$ using Eliminate
In our example
foliumimplicit := Eliminate[{x, y}==folium[t],t]
gives us $x^3-3xy=-y^3$.
I would like to plot perturbations $f(x,y)=g(x,y)+\varepsilon$ of the implicit equation obtained. $x^3-3xy=-y^3+\varepsilon$ of the foliumimplicit
equation obtained.
For our example, when $\varepsilon=0.1,-0.1$ the graphs of the $x^3-3xy=-y^3+\varepsilon$ are
? $\endgroup$