I have a function(X,Y) which I would like to plot over an implicit region.
ff[x_, y_] :=
1.2975379589629985 - 0.0012761239122278919 *x +
0.000041783647037795416 *x^2 + 0.007921675950764907*y +
0.0000118850192022573*x*y - 0.0001707743989388566*y^2
The function looks something like this:
Plot3D[ff[x, y], {x, 0, 30}, {y, 0, 30}]
The implicit region I want to use comes from the following set of equations and inequalities:
dd = ImplicitRegion[
1.2975379589629985 - 0.0012761239122278919*x +
0.000041783647037795416*x^2 + 0.007921675950764907*y +
0.0000118850192022573*x*y - 0.0001707743989388566*y^2 ==
1.3800 &&
161.62615411060966 + 0.3806830725981278* x +
0.013569502726920852*x^2 + 12.429037516501275*y +
0.09556852733876661*x*y - 0.45752045618958564*y^2 > 220, {{x,
0, 20}, {y, 0, 20}}]
RegionPlot confirms that the implicit region is there:
When I try to make the 3D plot over the implicit region the following way I get no answer from Mathematica 10.2:
Plot3D[ff[x, y], {x, y} ∈ dd]
Is there a better way to plot such 3D plots or am I doing something wrong with my approach?
The final result I am aiming for is to combine the 3D plot from the original function and the 3D plot over the implicit region (curve) with Show to achieve something like this: