I'm trying to create a 3d histogram/ matrix plot pair. My data is in the form
What I would like is to modify the Histogram3D so instead of having the counts of each bin on the z axis I would have the sum of TTR in that bin. I would also like the modify the matrix plot in the same way.
I've hacked an example in the help to get this far;
hist := Histogram3D[Log[10, dateFilter[[All, 2]]], {-4, 4, 0.25},
Function[{xbins, ybins, counts}, Sow[counts]],
AxesLabel -> {Style["TTR (log(hours))", 16],
Style["TBF (log(hours))", 16]}, ImageSize -> Large,
PlotLabel -> Style["Dryer 1 TBF and TTR Counts", 18],
ChartStyle -> RGBColor[27/255, 121/255, 169/255],
ViewPoint -> {Pi, Pi, 2}];
{g, {binCounts}} = Reap[hist];
mPlot := MatrixPlot[First@binCounts, ImageSize -> Large]
Row[{g, mPlot}]
In this case my data list is
dateFilter[[All, 2]]={{TTR1,TBF1},{TTR2,TBF2}....}
I would also like to fix this axis on the MatrixPlot so it has the same range labels as the histogram.
Also is there a better way to do the log axes on the Histogram? I've just taken the Log of the data but it would be better if I could just modify the axes to show 1,10,100,....
I've re-plotted by data using kgulers code. The function I used was
Histogram3D[Log[10, dateFilter[[All, 2]]], {-4, 4, 0.25},
heightF[dateFilter[[All, 2]]][Total, First], styles,
AxesLabel -> {Style["TTR (log(hours))", 16],
Style["TBF (log(hours))", 16], Style["Sum TTR (hours)", 16]},
ViewPoint -> {Pi, Pi, 2}]
It looks like my data has stratified into 3 groups of TTR (which may be what is really going on). I was kind of expecting the same plot with different z values but if that's what's going on then that's what's going on.
Thanks kguler and belisarius. Give me a day to check that this is all ok and I'll tick this one off.