I'm trying to create a plot in which I look at the change of a curve as a function of a parameter.
My problem is quite complicated so below you can see a simplifying example
Table[ParametricPlot3D[{(1 + 1/A) Cos[\[Theta]], (1 + 1/
A) Sin[\[Theta]], A}, {\[Theta], -\[Pi], \[Pi]},
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1},
PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}], {A, 0.5, 1, 0.1}]
I wish to make from these curves a continous surface (in this case it will be a something like a cone).
In my original problem these curves are parts of solutions for and ODE so just plotting the shape I want will not solve the problem here, therefore I ask for an answer that will generically create a surface out of the combination of these curves.
Here is an out line of what I'm trying to do with the problem I'm working on:
I have a 2D dynamical system that undergoes a hopf bifurcations as the parameter A
is varied.
f[x_, y_, A_] :=
10 - 0.05 (x - 1) (1 + 1/A + 1/y Exp[(2 (x - 1))/(10 y)] ) ;
g[x_, y_, A_] := A (1 - y) - y Exp[(2 (x - 1))/(10 y)];
I solve the equations for large t
to guarantee that the solution converges either to a stable fixed point or into a limit cycle
sol1 = NDSolve[{
x'[t] == f[x[t], y[t], 1], y'[t] == g[x[t], y[t], 1], x[0] == 0.2,
y[0] == 0.2}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 50}];
sol2 = NDSolve[{
x'[t] == f[x[t], y[t], 2], y'[t] == g[x[t], y[t], 2], x[0] == 0.2,
y[0] == 0.2}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 50}];
sol3 = NDSolve[{
x'[t] == f[x[t], y[t], 3], y'[t] == g[x[t], y[t], 3], x[0] == 0.2,
y[0] == 0.2}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 50}];
sol4 = NDSolve[{
x'[t] == f[x[t], y[t], 4], y'[t] == g[x[t], y[t], 4], x[0] == 0.2,
y[0] == 0.2}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 50}];
I pick the last part of the solution (the end of the time series) and plot it with a ParametricPlot3D
p1 = ParametricPlot3D[{Evaluate[x[t]], Evaluate[y[t]], 1} /. sol1, {t,
49, 50}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}, PlotPoints -> 10^5,
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {0, 1}, {0, 10}}];
p2 = ParametricPlot3D[{Evaluate[x[t]], Evaluate[y[t]], 2} /. sol2, {t,
49, 50}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}, PlotPoints -> 10^5,
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1},
PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {0, 1}, {0, 10}}];
p3 = ParametricPlot3D[{Evaluate[x[t]], Evaluate[y[t]], 3} /. sol3, {t,
49, 50}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}, PlotPoints -> 10^5,
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, PlotRange -> {{0,10}, {0, 1}, {0, 10}}];
p4 = ParametricPlot3D[{Evaluate[x[t]], Evaluate[y[t]], 4} /. sol4, {t,
49, 50}, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}, PlotPoints -> 10^5,
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, PlotRange -> {{0,10}, {0, 1}, {0, 10}}];
Put all of the plots together
Show[p1, p2, p3, p4]
What I'd like to obtain is a continuous surface (small increments of A
) that passes through these contours as stated in the original question.
ParametricPlot3D[{(1 + 1/A) Cos[\[Theta]], (1 + 1/A) Sin[\[Theta]], A}, {\[Theta], -\[Pi], \[Pi]}, {A, 0.5, 1}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}]
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