Suppose I perform dimension reduction using PCA:
dr = DimensionReduction[{{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 5}, {3, 5, 8}, {4, 5,
8.5}}, Method -> "PrincipalComponentsAnalysis"]
If I want to see the principal components themselves, in the original space, one thought is to use the "OriginalData" feature of the DimensionReducerFunction
, on basis vectors in the new space:
In[8]:= dr[{1.0, 0.0}, "OriginalData"]
dr[{0.0, 1.0}, "OriginalData"]
Out[8]= {1.86006, 2.9998, 4.81724}
Out[9]= {3.38701, 3.01026, 5.64163}
Is this a reasonable thing to do, or am I misinterpreting how the "OriginalData" feature works? And is there a better way to pull out the principal components themselves? People often want to visualize these for various reasons.
(There are several other questions about how to solve a similar problem with the PrincipalComponents
function; this is a question about a different function.)