
I have a 200x200 grayscale map map = Image[data, "Byte"] together with a matrix plot path = MatrixPlot[{{0,0,...,0,a,...0},{0,0,...,b,b,b...},...,{a,b,b,...}},ColorRules -> {a -> Black, b -> Green}] that resembles a route in the map.

enter image description here enter image description here

How can I join both together so that the green route is shown in the map? I tried Show[map,path] but it don't work.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ It sounds like you want ImageCompose[], but you'll need to make an Image[] object directly from your matrix without using MatrixPlot[]. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 15, 2019 at 6:25

1 Answer 1


Here is a possible solution. I don't have your matrix describing the route, so I used this random-ish one for the purpose of demonstration:


t = Normal[SparseArray[path + 1 -> 1, {200, 200}]];

MatrixPlot[t, ColorRules -> {1 -> Green}]


Turn the matrix into an image: i1 = Image[t]


You might want a thicker line: i2 = ImageConvolve[Image[t, "bit"], DiskMatrix[1]]


Change the image to RGB and make the line green: i3 = Image[Map[{#, 1, #} &, ImageData[ColorNegate[i2]], {2}]]


Overlay the path onto the map:ImageCompose[map, SetAlphaChannel[i3, i2]] The alpha channel makes the background of the route image transparent.



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