
I have a simple table that I can't quite make work. Columns are as follows

  1. A function returning 1 if x divides 12 and 0 else
  2. A function returning 1 if x divides 18 and 0 else
  3. Columns 1 and 2 multiplied together to produce 1 if x divides both 12 and 18, and 0 else
  4. Column 3s individual entries multiplied by the number of 1s in column 3, returning 4 if x divides both 12 and 18, and 0 else
  5. An accumulating sum of column 4, which should therefore read {4,8,12,12,12,16,16,16,16,16}

I have problems with columns 4 and 5. In the table below, I have had to manually enter the count for column 4 (Count just returns 0), and the sum doesn't work in column 5 (the sum drops back to 0 whenever column 4 equals 0, and I have no idea how it has managed to add together four 4s to get 24).

How do I fix this?

 Table[{If[MemberQ[Divisors[12], x], 1, 0], 
  If[MemberQ[Divisors[18], x], 1, 0], 
   If[MemberQ[Divisors[12], x], 1, 0]*
If[MemberQ[Divisors[18], x], 1, 0], 
   4*If[MemberQ[Divisors[12], x], 1, 0]*
If[MemberQ[Divisors[18], x], 1, 0], 
4*If[MemberQ[Divisors[12], x], 1, 0]*
 If[MemberQ[Divisors[18], x], 1, 0], {i, 1, x}]}, 
 {x, 1, 10}], 
TableHeadings -> {{"x=1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", 
   {"D[12]", "D[18]", "D[12]D[18]", 
TableAlignments -> Center]
  • $\begingroup$ For #5, you've got x where you should have i, if you want to accumulate: E.g. Sum[4*Boole[Divisible[12, i]]*Boole[Divisible[18, i]], {i, 1, x}] $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Mar 11, 2019 at 16:38

2 Answers 2


Perhaps this, if I got the description of column 4 right:

With[{c1 = Boole[Divisible[12, Range@10]], 
      c2 = Boole[Divisible[18, Range@10]]},
     {c3 = c1*c2},
     {c4 = Total[c3] c3},
  Transpose@{c1, c2, c3, c4, Accumulate[c4]}
  ] // TableForm

Mathematica graphics



With[{t = Table[
    With[{result = Boole@Divisible[{12, 18}, i]},
     {i, Sequence @@ result, Sequence @@ ({1, 4} Times @@ result)}
    {i, 12}
 Transpose@Join[Transpose@t, {Accumulate[t[[All, 5]]]}] // TableForm

Mathematica graphics


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