
I want to create a table of random numbers and their divisors. The random numbers are given by

TableForm[{{Subscript[m, 1] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
 Subscript[n, 1] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}]}, 
 {Subscript[m, 2] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
 Subscript[n, 2] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}]}, 
 {Subscript[m, 3] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
 Subscript[n, 3] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}]}}, 
 TableHeadings -> {{"1", "2", "3"}, {"m", "n"}}, 
 TableAlignments -> Center]

So far so good. A neat table with delimiters for the headings. But when I try to add the divisors it all goes wrong:

TableForm[{{Subscript[m, 1] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
 Subscript[n, 1] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
   Divisors[Subscript[m, 1]], 
   Divisors[Subscript[n, 1]]}, {Subscript[m, 2] = 
RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
   Subscript[n, 2] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
   Divisors[Subscript[m, 2]], Divisors[Subscript[n, 2]]}, 
 {Subscript[m, 3] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
  Subscript[n, 3] = RandomInteger[{2, 50}], 
   Divisors[Subscript[m, 3]], Divisors[Subscript[n, 3]]}}, 
TableHeadings -> {{"1", "2", "3"}, {"m", "n", "divisors[m]", 
TableAlignments -> Center]

I want the heading delimiters to remain, but they disappear; and I'd like the divisors to appear in a comma-delimited horizontal list (for example Divisors[4] would produce 1,2,4 rather than a vertical list.


1 Answer 1

table = RandomInteger[{2, 50}, {3, 2}];
TableForm[Join[table, Map[Row[Divisors[#], " "] &, table, {-1}], 2], 
 TableHeadings -> {{"1", "2", "3"}, {"m", "n", "divisors[m]", "divisors[n]"}}, 
 TableAlignments -> Center]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Many thanks @kglr. I'm struggling to incorporate this solution into other forms of table (mainly because I don't understand what you did!) I'd also like to create a table that lists n from 1 to 25 in one column, and Divisors[n] in the second column, formatted as you did in your answer above. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 11:10
  • $\begingroup$ @Richard, table is a 3X2 matrix of numbers as in your first example. Map[Divisors, table, {-1}] gives the divisors of each entry in that matrix. I wrapped each list of divisors with Row[..., " "] so that each divisor list is displayed horizontally. A simpler form using the options TableDirections is TableForm[Join[table, Map[Divisors, table, {-1}], 2], TableHeadings -> {{"1", "2", "3"}, {"m", "n", "divisors[m]", "divisors[n]"}, None}, TableAlignments -> Center, TableDirections -> {Column, Row, Row}] but, due to a glitch/bug it doesn't display the dividers. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 11:23
  • $\begingroup$ ... so i had to use Row around the inner lists. The example in your comment can be done using TableForm[Transpose[{Range[25], Row[Divisors[#]] & /@ Range[25]}], TableHeadings -> {Automatic, {"n", "divisors[n]"}}, TableAlignments -> Center]. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 11:24

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