I am attempting to make a parametric stream plot of a dynamical system that is seeded along a line of points. For some reason, Mathematica inconsistently seeds at these points and will actually sometimes seed the wrong points (as shown below).
Is this a Mathematica issue, or is there a problem with my code?
I've visualized the seeding points as well in the StreamPlot to show the points appear to be defined correctly. Toggling the parameter makes the arrows coming from the other points appear and disappear inconsistently. The problem is also not unique to a specific dynamical system.
My code:
xpoints = ConstantArray[-2, 11];
ypoints = Range[-2, 2, 0.4];
points = Transpose[{xpoints, ypoints}]
StreamPlot[{y, -a x^3}, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3},
StreamPoints -> points, Epilog -> Point[points]],
{a, 0, 1}]
directly to create the stream lines, though. $\endgroup$Manipulate[ StreamPlot[{y, -a*x^3}, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}, StreamPoints -> {points, 0.001}, Epilog -> Point[points]], {a, 0, 1}]
eventually leads to a kernel crash, after clicking the dialog buttons to abort and to disable dynamic updating. $\endgroup$