
I would like to implement the EM algorithm for parameter estimation of a bivariate poisson model from Karlis 2003. The code is able to run, but I'm not very satisfied with the speed. I would like to ask for some ideas to speed up my code.

 fitBivariatePoissonModel[x_?ListQ, init3_: 1, maxIteration_: 300, 
  prec_: 10^-8] := 
 Block[{n = Length[x], s, like, zeroQ, lambda1 = 0., lambda2 = 0., 
   lambda3 = init3, var1 = x[[All, 1]], var2 = x[[All, 2]], 
   difllike = 1000., loglike0 = 1000., i = 0, lbp1, lbp2, x1, x2, 
   loglike, loglikeli},
  s = ConstantArray[0., n];
  like = ConstantArray[0., n];
  zeroQ = If[MemberQ[#, 0], 1., .0] & /@ x;
  lambda1 = Max[0.1, Total[var1]/n*1.0 - lambda3];
  lambda2 = Max[0.1, Total[var2]/n*1.0 - lambda3];
  loglikeli = Reap[While[difllike > prec && i <= maxIteration,
      lbp1 = 
           lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1 - 1, #2 - 1}}] &, {var1,
      lbp2 = 
           lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1, #2}}] &, {var1, 
      s = 
        If[MemberQ[{#1, #2}, 0], 0, 
          Exp[Log[lambda3] + 

              lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1 - 1, #2 - 1}}] - 
              lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1, #2}}]]] &, {var1, 
      like = MapThread[If[MemberQ[{#1, #2}, 0],

          LogLikelihood[PoissonDistribution[lambda1], {#1}] + 
           LogLikelihood[PoissonDistribution[lambda2], {#2}] - 
            lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1, #2}}]] &, {var1, 
      x1 = var1 - s;
      x2 = var2 - s;

      Sow[loglike = Total[like]];
      difllike = Abs[(loglike0 - loglike)/loglike0];
      loglike0 = loglike;

      lambda1 = Mean[x1];
      lambda2 = Mean[x2];
      lambda3 = Mean[s]]][[2, 1]];
  If[i == maxIteration + 1, Print["Maximum iterations reached"]];
  {lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, loglike0}]

A test evaluation of 100 samples took 30 seconds on my computer. Apparently, for large application, this evaluation speed is quite unsatisfied. Any ideas to accelerate would be appreciated.

l1 = Table[RandomInteger[{0, 10}, 2], {i, 100}];
fitBivariatePoissonModel[l1, 0.01, 500, 10^-8] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {38.5076, {4.84859, 5.34859, 0.00140634, -550.099}} *)
  • 6
    $\begingroup$ I know you are trying to implement the paper, but since you are using the MultivariatePoissonDistribution already, do you know you can get most of your answer via EstimatedDistribution[l1, MultivariatePoissonDistribution[\[Mu], {\[Mu]1, \[Mu]2}]]? $\endgroup$
    – MikeY
    Commented Feb 25, 2019 at 2:01
  • $\begingroup$ @MikeY thank you for your tip. I didn't know the EstimatedDistribution before. However I tested the EstimatedDistribution. I found out that for simple cases like in the OP EstimatedDistribution works quite well. However for complicated cases, e.g. some hierarchical models, MultivariatePoissonDistribution is too complicated for EstimatedDistribution and it never comes to a result. I guess the computational burden for MLE is too big. That's probably the reason why the paper proposed the EM algorithm. $\endgroup$
    – 407PZ
    Commented Feb 25, 2019 at 21:35

1 Answer 1



This is maybe not the main problem but the frequent calls to LogLikelihood cause a lot of symbolic computation that tends to be slow. Indeed, we are in a situation in which the outcome of LogLikelihood has a simple symbolic expression. Thus, we may exploit that to perform the symbolic computation only once by defining:

Block[{u, v, λ1, λ2, λ3},
  f[λ1_, λ2_, λ3_][u_, v_] = LogLikelihood[
    MultivariatePoissonDistribution[λ3, {λ1, λ2}], {{u, v}}

Then one may use it as follows:

{var1, var2} = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {2, 1000}];
lambda1 = 1.;
lambda2 = 1.;
lambda3 = 1.;
aa = MapThread[f[lambda1, lambda2, lambda3], {var1 - 1, var2 - 1}]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
bb = MapThread[
      MultivariatePoissonDistribution[lambda3, {lambda1, lambda2}], {{#1 - 1, #2 - 1}}] &, 
      {var1, var2}
    ]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
aa == bb




As you can see, this becomes 10 times as fast.

Similar tweaks should accelerate also the other calls to LogLikelihood.

Another issue might be that -∞ may occur quite often. Since this is symbolic, every array in which it occurs must be unpacked. That might slow down things. But I guess the biggest bottleneck is HypergeometricU (appearing in LogLikelihood); it requires 65 % of the computation time of the above code.

Next thing I found is that you perform many computations redundantly. For example, setting

s = Unitize[var1 var2] Exp[Log[lambda3] + lbp1 - lbp2];

instead of

s = MapThread[ If[MemberQ[{#1, #2}, 0], 0, <<...>>] &, {var1, var2}];

cuts the computation time in half.

Moreover, by setting

g[λ1_][u_] = Simplify[LogLikelihood[PoissonDistribution[λ1], {u}], u >= 0];

which exploits that g is never fed a negative second argument, we obtain a vectorized functions g[λ1] which can be applied to lists without Map or MapThread.

Updated Implementation

With some further minor changes, this is the improved code.

fitBivariatePoissonModel2[x_?ListQ, init3_: 1, maxIteration_: 300, 
  prec_: 10^-8] := 
 Block[{n, s, like, zeroQ, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, var1, var2, 
   difllike = 1000., loglike0 = 1000., i, lbp1, lbp2, loglike, 
   loglikeli, f, g, χ, meanvar1, meanvar2},
  i = 0;
  lambda1 = 0.;
  lambda2 = 0.;
  lambda3 = N[init3];
  {var1, var2} = Transpose[x];
  meanvar1 = Mean[N[var1]];
  meanvar2 = Mean[N[var2]];
  n = Length[x];
  s = ConstantArray[0., n];
  like = ConstantArray[0., n];
  zeroQ = 1. - Unitize[var1 var2];
  lambda1 = Max[0.1, Mean[N[var1]] - lambda3];
  lambda2 = Max[0.1, Mean[N[var2]] - lambda3];
  Block[{u, v, λ1, λ2, λ3},
   f[λ1_, λ2_, λ3_][u_, v_] = LogLikelihood[ MultivariatePoissonDistribution[λ3, {λ1, λ2}], {{u, v}}];
   g[λ1_][u_] = Simplify[LogLikelihood[PoissonDistribution[λ1], {u}], u >= 0];
  loglikeli = Reap[
     While[difllike > prec && i <= maxIteration, i++;
      lbp1 = MapThread[f[lambda1, lambda2, lambda3], {var1 - 1, var2 - 1}];
      lbp2 = MapThread[f[lambda1, lambda2, lambda3], {var1, var2}];
      χ = N[Unitize[var1 var2]];
      s = χ Exp[Log[lambda3] + lbp1 - lbp2];
      like = χ lbp2 + (1. - χ) (g[lambda1][var1] + g[lambda2][var2] - lambda3);
      Sow[loglike = Total[like]];
      difllike = Abs[1. - loglike/loglike0];
      loglike0 = loglike;
      lambda3 = Mean[s];
      lambda1 = meanvar1 - lambda3;
      lambda2 = meanvar2 - lambda3;
     ][[2, 1]];
  If[i == maxIteration + 1, Print["Maximum iterations reached"]];
  {lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, loglike0}

Timing and accuracy comparison:

l1 = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {100, 2}];
aa = fitBivariatePoissonModel[l1, 0.01, 500, 10^-8]; // 
  AbsoluteTiming // First
bb = fitBivariatePoissonModel2[l1, 0.01, 500, 10^-8]; // 
  AbsoluteTiming // First
Max[Abs[aa - bb]]




There is certainly more potential for improvement. Probably the algorithm is not implemented correctly; this comes to my mind because I observed that the algorithm takes rather many interations to "converge" and that the result is very sensitive to decreasing prec.


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