(* "11.0.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (September 21, 2016)" *)
smin = -6; ds = 1/10; c = 6; counter = 10;
As a workaround, you can either use NExpectation
NExpectation[x/c*E^((smin + (counter - 1)*ds)*x/c),
x \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[c]]
(* 0.0137666 *)
Or take the Mean
of the TransformedDistribution
Mean@TransformedDistribution[x/c*E^((smin + (counter - 1)*ds)*x/c),
x \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[c]]
(* E^(-(137/20) + 6/E^(17/20)) *)
% // N
(* 0.0137666 *)
EDIT: Works on an earlier version
(* "10.4.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (April 11, 2016)" *)
smin = -6; ds = 1/10; c = 6; counter = 10;
Expectation[x/c*E^((smin + (counter - 1)*ds)*x/c),
x \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[c]]
(* E^(-(137/20) + 6/E^(17/20)) *)
% // N
(* 0.0137666 *)
Expectation[x/c Exp[a + b x /c], x \[Distributed] PoissonDistribution[n]]
. $\endgroup$\[Distributed]
instead of≈
? (as @b.gatessucks suggests). Using that works for me on both versions 11.01 and 10.4.1 on Windows 7. $\endgroup$