I'm generating a series of (numerical) matrices, and testing each one for a certain property, and trying to estimate what proportion possesses that property. I write out the result at every million-th iteration. One of the calculations yielded
Orthogonalize::inf: Input matrix contains an infinite entry.
So, presumably the test could not be meaningfully performed in that case.
The program, nevertheless, continues to write out the number of results possessing the property in question at each million-th step.
Should I--to be precise--assume that rather than say, ten million, the number of matrices actually subject to the test was really "just"
If additional such errors occur, will there be a record of the number of occurrences? (From another vantage point, it would seem that such errors might be reduced/eliminated by increasing the precision employed.)
so that the counter is decreased when an error occurs. $\endgroup$Internal`AddHandler
might be of help. Other Q&A also show examples of usage. $\endgroup$