
I'm trying to get into animation using Mathematica, and I want to create a simple animation where a sphere in a black space gets "morphed" into a cube. I know how to generate a cube and how to generate a sphere using Graphics3D:


But I'm not sure how to generate a "movie" of one morphing into another.


3 Answers 3


Slow, but it works:

  With[{u = Sin[t]^2*10 + 2}, 
   Abs[x]^u + Abs[y]^u + Abs[z]^u < 1], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 
   1}, {z, -1, 1}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"], {t, 0, \[Pi]}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Can you explain how you got the formula? $\endgroup$
    – Nico A
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 15:08
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @TreFox It's a fairly well-known formula in higher math. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 15:24
reg = DiscretizeRegion[Cuboid[{-1, -1, -1}, {1, 1, 1}], 
   MaxCellMeasure -> .01];
DynamicModule[{pts = MeshCoordinates[reg], 
  norms = Norm /@ MeshCoordinates[reg]}
 , Animate[
    Dynamic[ pts  /(1 - t + t  norms) ],
    {EdgeForm@None, MeshCells[reg, {2}]}
  , {t, 0, 1}, AnimationRate -> 1, 
  AnimationDirection -> ForwardBackward]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Can you provide a short explanation of how you put this code together? $\endgroup$
    – Nico A
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 15:41
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @TreFox cuboid -> cuboid's mesh -> coordinates + polygons. Then, normalized coordinates of this cuboid are on a sphere so I just scale the norm between 1 and original one. I'm encouraging your to take this code apart and experiment, see what's inside. $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 16:35


plt=ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[ϕ]*Sin[θ], Sin[θ]*Sin[ϕ], Cos[θ]}, {θ, 0, Pi}, {ϕ, 0, 2*Pi},
   PlotPoints -> 200, PlotRange -> 1, ImageSize -> 400, 
  Axes -> False, ColorFunction -> (Hue[#5, 1, 1, 0.75] &)];

cf = Compile[{{v, _Real, 1}, t}, (1 - t) v + t v/(Sqrt[2] Max[Abs[v]]),
   RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}];

Manipulate[plt /. GraphicsComplex[pts_, rest___] :> 
  GraphicsComplex[cf[pts, t], rest], {t, 0., 1}]

enter image description here

Previous answer:

Rectangle to circle:

enter image description here

 ContourPlot[(1 - t) (Max@Abs@{x, y} - 1) + t (x^2 + y^2 - 1) == 0,
  {x, -1.2, 1.2}, {y, -1.2, 1.2}, PlotPoints -> 80], {t, 0, 1}]

enter image description here

Cube to sphere:

frames = ParallelTable[
    ContourPlot3D[(1 - t) (Max[Abs@{x, y, z}] - 1) + t (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1) == 0,
     {x, -#, #}, {y, -#, #}, {z, -#, #}, 
       PlotPoints -> 10, Mesh -> None, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False] &@1.1,
         {t, 0, 1, 1/50.}]; // AbsoluteTiming

Animate[frames[[i]], {i, 1, Length[frames], 1}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ what a beautiful answer! $\endgroup$
    – Black Mild
    Commented May 2, 2022 at 3:17
  • $\begingroup$ @BlackMild Thanks for your appreciation. $\endgroup$
    – chyanog
    Commented May 4, 2022 at 11:40

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