I kindly ask if someone could help me solve this problem:
I have solved a differential equation by varying a parameter that I called by $\alpha$ as follows:
solution =
Table[NDSolveValue[{(D[ω[z], {z, 2}] + 2/z*D[ω[z], z] -
D[ω[z], z]^2) + (1 + α*(4*n + 18)*ω[
z])*ω[z]^n == 0, ω[0.0001] ==
1, ω'[0.0001] == 0}, ω, {z, 0.0001, 10},
MaxSteps -> 1000], {α, 0, 0.5, 0.01}];
After that, I found the first root for each function resulting from the above solution according to the $\alpha$ value:
For[ i = 0, i <= 50, i++,q = FindRoot[a[[i]][z], {z, firstzero, 0, 10}]; Print[q]]
I would like to construct a table where I can have all the values of $\alpha$, the solutions of differential equation according to $\alpha$, the first root of solutions according to $\alpha$, and also I would like to include in this table the results of the following calculations (for each value of $\alpha$):
x = -z^2*((1 - (4*n + 18)*α*ω[z])*(D[ω[z], {z,
2}] + 2/z*D[ω[z], z]) -
5*α*D[ω[z], z]^2) /. solution
m = NIntegrate[x, {z, 0.0001, firstroot}]
I want to export this table and use its data to plot some graphics.
Thank you!