Mathematica Version 11.2 desktop / Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
I am trying to understand if a symbol can have both OwnValues and DownValues.
Is this acceptable or not acceptable?
As an experiment, I noticed that when one assigns the OwnValues such as "y = a" compared to the DownValues makes a difference which I cannot explain. The following is an example.
y[] = b; y[x] = 1; y = a;
$\qquad$y = a $\quad$ y[ ] = b $\quad$ y[x] = 1
{OwnValues[y], DownValues[y]}
(* {{HoldPattern[y]:>a},{HoldPattern[y[]]:>b,HoldPattern[y[x]]:>1}} *)
y=a; y[]=b; y[x]=1;
$\qquad$ y = a
{OwnValues[y], DownValues[y]}
(* {{HoldPattern[y]:>a}, {}} *)
The help says Set
( = ) has attribute HoldFirst
. Therefore, the lhs should not be evaluated. So it should not matter if you have y
, y[]
, or y[x]
because they are not evaluated. However, for y = a; y[] = b; y[x] = 1;
, it does seem to matter since only y = a
is defined.
Please clarify.
, I immediately thought of Leonid's 2015 comment: "[Having a hold attribute] simply means that arguments are passed to the function in unevaluated form, but does not restrict what functions decide to do with them." $\endgroup$