
RuleDelayed is a supported key/value wrapper in Associations.

What are general guidelines/idiomatic methods for working with such associations?

Specifically, how to Merge them:

ds = { 
  <|a :> Print[1], b -> 2|>
, <|a :> Print[2], b :> 1 + 1|>

Merge[Last] @ ds  
<|a :> Last[{Print[1], Print[2]}], b :> Last[{2, 1 + 1}]|>

For Merge[Last] case we can replace it with Association:

Association @ ds
<|a :> Print[2], b :> 1 + 1|>

But that is not general enough.


1 Answer 1


I'm not sure that it qualifies as a general idiom, but here is one way to address this specific case. First, we define a helper function that evaluates the right-hand side of a RuleDelayed expression:

evalRhs[k_ :> v_] := k :> # &[v]

Then we use that function to evaluate the Last expressions that become embedded within an intermediate association object by the Merge:

ds // Query[Merge[Last] /* AssociationMap[evalRhs], All, Unevaluated]

Unevaluated is applied to the individual key values to ensure that they maintain their unevaluated forms while the Last expression is evaluated. evalRhs will see expressions of the form:

key :> Last[{Unevaluated[value1], Unevaluated[value2], ...}]

By construction, the outer Last and List functions will be applied and then the remaining Unevaluated heads will be stripped in the calls to RuleDelayed.

Here is an extract from a trace of the evaluation, showing some key steps:

stack trace screenshot

General Strategy

Even though this solution is designed for the specific case at hand, we can extract a general strategy:

  • Apply the desired operator to the RuleDelayed key-values pairs (in this case, Merge[Last]).
  • Accept the fact that this will create an intermediate association with more complicated unevaluated expressions as values.
  • Perform selective evaluation of the values within the intermediate association.
  • Implement the selective evaluation using pattern-matching and evaluation control constructs. The exact form of that selective evaluation will need to be crafted to account for the operator that was initially applied and the desired results.
  • Accept the fact that selective evaluation control is a messy business generally, and doubly-so within associations :)
  • $\begingroup$ One thing I tend to use is a tagging Head that evaluates as Identity. Then I use ReplaceAll with that to do what I want with that tag. That avoids the RHS ballooning in complexity. $\endgroup$
    – b3m2a1
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 17:45

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