You can do this with M, but you need to help it.
Start with the pde
pde = D[ψ[x, y], x, x] + D[ψ[x, y], y, y] == -2 m En ψ[x, y]/ℏ^2
Separate variables
ψ[x_, y_] = X[x] Y[y]
pde = pde/ψ[x, y] // Expand
D[X[x], x, x]/X[x] + D[Y[y], y, y]/Y[y] == -((2 En m)/ℏ^2)
The first term is a fn of x only, the second a function of y and the rhs is a constant, so each term must be equal to a constant. A negative constant will give the desired sinusoidal solutions.
DSolve[{pde[[1, 1]] == -a^2, X[0] == 0}, X[x], x] // Flatten
{X[x] -> C[2] Sin[a x]}
Only put in one condition because, if not, it will return only the trivial solution of 0. To solve for the condition at x = 1 for a
X[x_] = X[x] /. % /. C[2] -> c1
Reduce[X[1] == 0, a]
(C[1] ∈ Integers && (a == 2 π C[1] || a == 2 π C[1] + π)) || c1 == 0
which boils down to
a = n Pi
$Assumptions = n ∈ Integers
Now the y part. Subst the x part into the pde.
D[Y[x], y, y]/Y[y] - n^2 π^2 == -((2 En m)/ℏ^2)
Set the Y term to another negative constant.
DSolve[{D[Y[y], y, y]/Y[y] == -b^2, Y[0] == 0}, Y[y], y] // Flatten
{Y[y] -> C[2] Sin[b y]}
Y[y_] = Y[y] /. % /. C[2] -> 1
Sin[b y]
I set the C[2] to 1 because it is multiplied by the constant in the x equation leaving only one constant anyway. The condition at y = 1
Y[1] == 0
Sin[b] == 0
and as before
b = k π
$Assumptions = $Assumptions && k ∈ Integers
-(π^2 k^2) - π^2 n^2 == -((2 En m)/ℏ^2)
Solve for the Energies
Solve[pde, En] // Flatten
{En -> (ℏ^2 (π^2 k^2 + π^2 n^2))/(2 m)}
Normalize the wave function
normint = Integrate[ψ[x, y]^2, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}] == 1
c1^2/4 == 1
c1 = c1 /. Solve[normint, c1][[2]]
ψ[x, y]
2 Sin[π k y] Sin[π n x]
{vals, funs} = DEigensystem[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}], DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, True]}, u[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] Rectangle[], 1]