I am trying to contract two Levi-Civita symbols in tensor format like so:
$\epsilon_{a b} \epsilon_{c d}$
This code generates the Levi-Civita:
n = 2;
LevCiv := LeviCivitaTensor[2, List];
listLevCiv :=
Table[If[UnsameQ[LevCiv[[a, b]], 0], {ToString[LeCi[a, b]],
LevCiv[[a, b]]}]
, {a, 1, n}, {b, 1, n}]
TableForm[Partition[DeleteCases[Flatten[listLevCiv], Null], 2],
TableSpacing -> {2, 2}]
LevCiv // MatrixForm
I would like something of this form:
Output = Simplify[
Table[LevCiv[[a, b]]*LevCiv[[c, d]], {a, 1, n}, {b, 1, n}, {c, 1,
n}, {d, 1, n}]];
Output // MatrixForm
Does anyone have experience working with such tensors and how to generate one output please?
Outer[Times, LevCiv, LevCiv]
? $\endgroup$LevCiv :=
---no need to re-generate the tensor every time you want to mention it. $\endgroup$