I have the following code:
n = 11;
λ[0] = 1;
α[0] = 10;
If[n != 9, Do[Delt[L] = 0; , {L, 0, n}]];
Delt[9] = 1;
λ[τ + 1] = λ[0] + Sum[λ[k]*((11^α[k]*(10 - λ[k]))/(11^α[k] + 1) - 0.2), {k, 0, τ}];
α[τ + 1] = α[0] + Sum[5*Delt[k], {k, 0, τ}] - Sum[α[k]/2^λ[k], {k, 0, τ}];,
{τ, 0, n}
Information["λ", LongForm -> False]
Information["α", LongForm -> False]
For n = 20
I have the following message:
Underflow occurred in computation
I want to do the calculation for n = 20
or even n = 30
without underflow occurring. Any suggestions?
represents a number too small to represent explicitly on your computer system.
so one way is not to make your numbers that small? see also How to avoid overflow or underflow in mathematica? and $\endgroup$RSolve
? $\endgroup$