Having studied the answers to this question on how to control the error of NDSolve
, I then tried to apply it to the following system of second-order nonlinear ODEs:
lowsol = With[{μ = 1/3},
NDSolve[{x''[t] == -Surd[x[t]^(Numerator@μ), Denominator@μ] +
Surd[(y[t] - x[t])^(Numerator@μ), Denominator@μ],
y''[t] == -Surd[(y[t] - x[t])^(Numerator@μ), Denominator@μ],
y[0] == 0, y'[0] == 0, x[0] == 0,
x'[0] == Sqrt[2 - y'[0]^2 - ((Surd[(x[0])^(Numerator@(μ + 1)),
Denominator@(μ + 1)]) + (Surd[(y[0] - x[0])^(Numerator@(μ + 1)),
Denominator@(μ + 1)]))/(μ + 1)]}, {x, y}, {t, 0, 10},
Method -> "ExplicitRungeKutta", WorkingPrecision -> 61,
InterpolationOrder -> All, MaxSteps -> 2*^6,
StartingStepSize -> 1*^-8, MaxStepSize -> 1*^-4]] // Timing
which returns a pair of Interpolating Function
. The system has a first integral of motion, which is set by its energy $E$, given by:
I then tried to plot this energy and see if it remains a constant in the following way:
With[{μ = 1/3},
Plot[{(((x'[t])^2 + (y'[t])^2)/2 + (3/4)*((x[t])^(4/3) +
(y[t] - x[t])^(4/3)))} /. lowsol // RealExponent // Evaluate, {t, 0, 10},
PlotRange -> All]]
but what was returned, is the following error:
ReplaceAll::rmix: Elements of {513.969,
000000000000000000000000000}},<<3>>,{{{<<327115>>},{<<327115>>}}}]}}} are a
mixture of lists and nonlists.
which states that there are elements which are a mixture of lists and nonlists. I would like to ask the following:
- Why did this error occur and how can I avoid it?
- How is it possible to reduce the computation time? In the question linked above, the computation time is significantly less than the one I need to acquire the results for my system.
- Is it possible to do the same for a number of initial conditions? I tried
but the plotting issue would remain.
After running the piece of code provided by @zhk, I found out that the numerical integration returns a huge error estimate for t=10^4
time units as it can be seen below:
How can I reduce this error?
equal to the result ofTiming
. You probably want to set it equal to the result ofNDSolve
. Try moving it inside theWith
:With[{..}, lowsol = NDSolve[..]] // Timing
. $\endgroup$\[Mu] = 1/3; ode1 = x''[t] == -x[t]^\[Mu] + (-x[t] + y[t])^\[Mu]; ode2 = y''[t] == -(-x[t] + y[t])^\[Mu]; ics = {y[0] == 0, y'[0] == 0, x[0] == 0, x'[0] == Sqrt[2]}; invariant = (x'[t]^2 + y'[t]^2)/ 2 + (3/4)*(x[t]^(4/3) + (y[t] - x[t])^(4/3)); projerksol = NDSolve[Flatten[{ode1, ode2, ics}], {x, y}, {t, 0, 1}, Method -> {"SymplecticPartitionedRungeKutta", "DifferenceOrder" -> 2, "PositionVariables" -> {x, y}}, StartingStepSize -> 0.001][[1]]; Plot[Im[invariant /. projerksol], {t, 0, 1}]