I tried to NDSolve the PDE system $$\partial_t w =x\cdot w\quad\quad\partial_z x=w$$ for $$(t,z)\in[0,1]\times[0,\pi]$$ with boundary conditions $$x(t,0)=w(t,0)=w(t,\pi)=0$$ and initial conditions $$w(0,z)=\sin z\quad\quad x(0,z)=1-\cos z$$ Here's my code:
s = NDSolve[{D[w[t, z], t] == w[t, z]*x[t, z],
D[x[t, z], z] == w[t, z], w[0, z] == Sin[z], x[0, z] == 1 - Cos[z],
w[t, 0] == 0, w[t, π] == 0, x[t, 0] == 0}, {w , x}, {t, 0,
1}, {z, 0, π}]
Mathematica displays the following warning:
"NDSolve::mconly: For the method NDSolve`IDA, only machine real code is available. Unable to continue with complex values or beyond floating-point exceptions."
I would appreciate any help on how to overcome this error or solve numerically this kind of PDE system anyway.