Is possible a solution to this Numerical Integration?
The constant values are as follows:
In[54]:= ClearAll[f1, f, P, c, α, V0, EE, II, k, m, X0, t, x, a]
In[236]:= P = 10.5;
m = 48.2;
c = 1.;
α = 0.1;
V0 = 10.;
EE = 2.3;
II = 1.;
k = 68.9*10^3;
The function I want to integrate is :
f[x_, t_] :=
1/(4*Pi^2) ((E^((I (V0 ξ + ω)^2)/(2 α ξ)) P Sqrt[2 π])/Sqrt[I α ξ]*
E^(I*ξ*x)*E^(I*ω*t))/(EE II ξ^4 + k + I*ω*c - m ω^2);
The Numerical integration and the result is this:
WDisp[x_, t_, ξmax_, ωmax_] :=
1/(4*Pi^2) ((E^((I (V0 ξ + ω)^2)/(2 α ξ)) P Sqrt[2 π])/Sqrt[I α ξ]*
E^(I*ξ*x)*E^(I*ω*t))/(EE II ξ^4 + k + I*ω*c - m ω^2), {ξ, -ξmax,
ξmax}, {ω, -ωmax, ωmax}]
In[289]:= WDisp[0, 0, 20, 20] // Chop
During evaluation of In[289]:= NIntegrate::inumexpr: Expression {((0. +5. I) (10. ξ+ω)^2)/ξ} derived from integrand (0.666683 E^(((0. +5. I) (<<1>>+ω)^2)/ξ))/(Sqrt[(0. +0.1 I) ξ] (68900. +2.3 ξ^4+(0. +1. I) ω-48.2 ω^2)) is not numerical at {ξ,ω} = {0.,-19.8313}. >>
During evaluation of In[289]:= NIntegrate::mtdfb: Numerical integration with LevinRule failed. The integration continues with Method -> MultiDimensionalRule. >>
During evaluation of In[289]:= NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. >>
During evaluation of In[289]:= NIntegrate::eincr: The global error of the strategy GlobalAdaptive has increased more than 2000 times. The global error is expected to decrease monotonically after a number of integrand evaluations. Suspect one of the following: the working precision is insufficient for the specified precision goal; the integrand is highly oscillatory or it is not a (piecewise) smooth function; or the true value of the integral is 0. Increasing the value of the GlobalAdaptive option MaxErrorIncreases might lead to a convergent numerical integration. NIntegrate obtained 0.0000941872 +1.05263*10^-7 I and 0.010442730338460396` for the integral and error estimates. >>
Out[289]= 0.0000941872 + 1.05263*10^-7 I
The Plot of The function Shows that it has high singularities:
Thank you in advance