We can amplify and combine @Silva's and @Andrew Moylan's points, which were that the integrand was a polynomial and that the Gauss-Kronrod rule performed better than the multidimensional rule.
We can use the Cartesian product of any interpolatory rules such as "ClenshawCurtisRule"
or "GaussKronrodRule"
, provided we use a sufficiently high order that the integration rule and the embedded error rule integrate the polynomial exactly. According to the docs, for a setting of "Points" -> n
, the error rule for "GaussKronrodRule"
will be exact for on a polynomial of degree up to 2n - 1
and for "ClenshawCurtisRule"
will be exact on a polynomial of degree upto n
(but they meant up to degree n
or n - 1
, according as n
is odd or even resp.). The polynomial f[s, t]
is of degree {6, 6}
, so both the s
and t
integrals can use the same setting for "Points"
The principal issue, already pointed out by Andrew Moylan, is that zero cannot be approximated to any Precision
, and so you have to set a finite AccuracyGoal -> acc
, which indicates that a numerical result closer to zero than 10^-acc
will be acceptable. More precisely, it means that the error between the integration rule and the embedded rule is to be less than 10^-acc + i0 * 10^-prec
, where i0
is the result of the integration rule and prec
is the PrecisionGoal
With all that in mind and sufficient WorkingPrecision
, any level of accuracy is obtainable (within practical limits). For instance, to get closer than 10^-100
Block[{acc = 100, deg = 6, res},
(res = NIntegrate[function[s, t], {t, 0, 1/2}, {s, 0, 1/2},
Method -> {"ClenshawCurtisRule", "Points" -> deg + 1},
MaxRecursion -> 0, AccuracyGoal -> acc,
WorkingPrecision -> acc]) // AbsoluteTiming // Print;
Chop[res, 10^-acc]
{0.00845, -6.4369978618316750815140837884620002197320415488373585727...3*10^-114}
Block[{acc = 100, deg = 6, res},
(res = NIntegrate[function[s, t], {t, 0, 1/2}, {s, 0, 1/2},
Method -> {"GaussKronrodRule",
"Points" -> Ceiling[(deg + 1)/2]}, MaxRecursion -> 0,
AccuracyGoal -> acc, WorkingPrecision -> acc]) //
AbsoluteTiming // Print;
Chop[res, 10^-acc]
{0.006585, 3.0164732651049401161481904591662713102211101606252755851...8*10^-113}
To use MachinePrecision
, one has to account for rounding error and subtract a few digits off the AccuracyGoal
NIntegrate[function[s, t], {t, 0, 1/2}, {s, 0, 1/2},
Method -> {"ClenshawCurtisRule", "Points" -> 7}, MaxRecursion -> 0,
AccuracyGoal -> MachinePrecision - 2.7,
WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.003191, -1.55431*10^-14} *)
NIntegrate[function[s, t], {t, 0, 1/2}, {s, 0, 1/2},
Method -> {"GaussKronrodRule", "Points" -> 4}, MaxRecursion -> 0,
AccuracyGoal -> MachinePrecision - 2.7,
WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.003304, -2.45137*10^-13} *)
One can also use "NewtonCotesRule"
and "LobattoKronrodRule"
. Note also that MaxRecursion -> 0
means NIntegrate
makes just a single application of the rule without recursive subdivision. @leibs was wondering whether classical Gauss quadrature could be done this way, which it can by using "GaussBerntsenEspelidRule"
NIntegrate[function[s, t], {t, 0, 1/2}, {s, 0, 1/2}, Method -> "DoubleExponential"]
it is 1000 times faster and there are no warning messages $\endgroup$Integrate
very efficiently. $\endgroup$