You could use as input:
Derivative[1, 0][u][2, y]
You can implement the formating rule (Thanks to @Rojo)
Format[Derivative[i_, j_][a_]] := Row[{"\[PartialD]"^(i + j), a}]/
Row[Row[{"\[PartialD]", #}] & /@ {"x"^i, "y"^j}]
Format[(h : Derivative[i_, j_][a_])[x0_, y0_]] :=
RawBoxes@SubscriptBox[RowBox[{MakeBoxes@h, "\[VerticalLine]"}],
MakeBoxes@Row[{Row[{x, "=", x0}], ",", Row[{y, "=", y0}]}]]
so that
Derivative[1, 2][u][2, 3]
Note that I arbitrary assumed the variables were x,y
since I have no way to know from the input alone what the variables are.
This solution also works with input such as
Derivative[1, 2][f][1, x]
Derivative[0, 0][f][1, 3]
Derivative[2, 0][f][1, 3]
More generally,
provided you use (from @Jens see link below)
Derivative /:
TraditionalForm] :=
Module[{bb, dd, sp},
MakeBoxes[dd, _] ^=
If[Length[{\[Alpha]}] == 1, "\[DifferentialD]", "\[PartialD]"];
MakeBoxes[sp, _] ^= "\[ThinSpace]";
bb /: MakeBoxes[bb[x__], _] := RowBox[Map[ToBoxes[#] &, {x}]];
FractionBox[ToBoxes[bb[dd^Plus[\[Alpha]], f1]],
ToBoxes[Apply[bb, Riffle[Map[bb[dd, #] &,
Select[({vars}^{\[Alpha]}), (# =!= 1 &)]], sp]]]]]
Or extending the above rule to arbitrary dimensions (again from @Rojo I am just a secretary here !)
Format[Derivative[i__][a_]] :=
Row[{"\[PartialD]"^Total[{i}], a}]/
Times @@ MapIndexed[Subscript["\[PartialD]x", First@#2]^#1 &, {i}]
Format[(h : Derivative[i__][a_])[vals__]] :=
RawBoxes@SubscriptBox[RowBox[{MakeBoxes@h, "\[VerticalLine]"}],
ToBoxes@Row[ Riffle[MapIndexed[
Row[{Subscript["x", First@#2], "=", #1}] &, {vals}], ","]]]
so that
Derivative[2, 3, 1][u][1, 2, 3]
. $\endgroup$Derivative[1, 0][u][2, y]
? $\endgroup$