I'm not quite sure, whether this question is one for this forum. I have problems to interpret the standard errors and p-values for my fit parameters. They are so small, that I don't know, whether I did use the fit in a proper way or not. The parameter values itself are good, they reproduce results from a colleague...
...but let's start from the beginning:
I have a set of real measurement data
data = {{2.15838, 4.77993*10^-7}, {2.18534, 4.19629*10^-7}, {2.21001,
4.09502*10^-7}, {2.25854, 3.99853*10^-7}, {2.2836,
3.84017*10^-7}, {2.30747, 3.70902*10^-7}, {2.33081,
3.59127*10^-7}, {2.35137, 3.50775*10^-7}, {2.37643,
3.3436*10^-7}, {2.39882, 3.2283*10^-7}, {2.42257,
3.01332*10^-7}, {2.4461, 2.98024*10^-7}, {2.4732,
2.89137*10^-7}, {2.49911, 2.82813*10^-7}, {2.52499,
2.68812*10^-7}, {2.55184, 2.61058*10^-7}, {2.58006,
2.2438*10^-7}, {2.64673, 2.30085*10^-7}, {2.71751,
2.05682*10^-7}, {2.78639, 1.92553*10^-7}, {2.88777,
1.75161*10^-7}, {2.96864, 1.61607*10^-7}, {3.051,
1.49176*10^-7}, {3.16198, 1.25115*10^-7}, {3.33296,
1.20133*10^-7}, {3.43768, 1.01685*10^-7}, {3.56674,
9.66192*10^-8}, {3.68825, 7.75714*10^-8}, {3.79472,
6.92602*10^-8}, {3.87449, 6.89086*10^-8}, {3.95223,
6.43365*10^-8}, {4.08792, 5.56352*10^-8}, {4.14613,
5.2924*10^-8}, {4.21338, 4.94536*10^-8}, {4.24873,
4.87433*10^-8}, {4.25848, 4.78836*10^-8}, {4.26615,
4.7465*10^-8}, {4.31084, 4.81383*10^-8}, {4.44111,
4.64897*10^-8}, {4.52387, 4.56303*10^-8}, {4.56865,
4.51747*10^-8}, {4.6603, 4.43627*10^-8}, {4.74556,
4.33014*10^-8}, {4.82304, 4.2891*10^-8}, {4.92704,
4.18981*10^-8}, {5.0293, 4.11988*10^-8}, {5.09724,
4.08886*10^-8}, {5.20107, 4.02819*10^-8}, {5.27865,
4.11364*10^-8}, {5.35455, 4.10741*10^-8}, {5.49134,
4.0462*10^-8}, {5.62088, 3.70902*10^-8}, {5.68181,
3.67886*10^-8}, {5.77189, 3.65903*10^-8}, {5.8566,
3.6443*10^-8}, {5.97267, 3.61518*10^-8}, {6.02845,
3.63941*10^-8}, {6.08799, 3.6008*10^-8}, {6.24226,
3.58653*10^-8}, {6.35647, 3.56767*10^-8}, {6.43191,
3.56767*10^-8}, {6.51399, 3.55366*10^-8}, {6.5876,
with estimated systematic uncertainties of 10%
yerrors = {4.77993*10^-8, 4.19629*10^-8, 4.09502*10^-8, 3.99853*10^-8,
3.84017*10^-8, 3.70902*10^-8, 3.59127*10^-8, 3.50775*10^-8,
3.3436*10^-8, 3.2283*10^-8, 3.01332*10^-8, 2.98024*10^-8,
2.89137*10^-8, 2.82813*10^-8, 2.68812*10^-8, 2.61058*10^-8,
2.2438*10^-8, 2.30085*10^-8, 2.05682*10^-8, 1.92553*10^-8,
1.75161*10^-8, 1.61607*10^-8, 1.49176*10^-8, 1.25115*10^-8,
1.20133*10^-8, 1.01685*10^-8, 9.66192*10^-9, 7.75714*10^-9,
6.92602*10^-9, 6.89086*10^-9, 6.43365*10^-9, 5.56352*10^-9,
5.2924*10^-9, 4.94536*10^-9, 4.87433*10^-9, 4.78836*10^-9,
4.7465*10^-9, 4.81383*10^-9, 4.64897*10^-9, 4.56303*10^-9,
4.51747*10^-9, 4.43627*10^-9, 4.33014*10^-9, 4.2891*10^-9,
4.18981*10^-9, 4.11988*10^-9, 4.08886*10^-9, 4.02819*10^-9,
4.11364*10^-9, 4.10741*10^-9, 4.0462*10^-9, 3.70902*10^-9,
3.67886*10^-9, 3.65903*10^-9, 3.6443*10^-9, 3.61518*10^-9,
3.63941*10^-9, 3.6008*10^-9, 3.58653*10^-9, 3.56767*10^-9,
3.56767*10^-9, 3.55366*10^-9, 3.54902*10^-9};
And I use a NonlinearModelFit with the following function:
c1 = 1.3*10^9; c2 = 9.2;
fitfunc = ((p1*c1^2)/c2)*x*Exp[-p2*x] + p3
while the constants and parameters are physical values. Then I fit the data with weights and do get sensible values for the parameters
nlmFIT = NonlinearModelFit[data, fitfunc, {p1, p2, p3}, x,
Weights -> 1/yerrors^2, VarianceEstimatorFunction -> (1 &)]
But the interpretation of the goodness of the fit gives me a headache, since the errors and p-values given below are really, really small:
I read here in the forum and elsewhere, but I didn't find a good explanation (which I understood ;-)).
Any ideas and hints are welcome. Is it a result of the small numbers of my parameters? Or should I use other values for the interpretation of my results?
you'll find all of the correlations are estimated to be either 1 or -1 which also spells trouble. While the cause of such high magnitude correlations can be an overparameterized model, in this case the problem is that the parameters are on such wildly different scales. You'll get much better results if you use multiplicative factors to get the parameters more similar to each other:fitfunc = ((10^(-23)*p1*c1^2)/c2)*x*Exp[-p2*x] + p3*10^-8
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