I have five curves {k^2 + 2, k^2 + 3, -k^2 + 2, -k^2 + 1, Sqrt[k^2]}
, as seen below; how can I get rid of the blue and red ones inside the white region? Is there an option, like in DensityPlot
, to specify plot region here to be above the black dashed curve?
Here's the code I used:
Plot[{k^2 + 2, k^2 + 3, -k^2 + 2, -k^2 + 1, Sqrt[ (k^2)],
6, -6}, {k, -2, 2}, Frame -> True, AspectRatio -> 1,
PlotRange -> {0, 4},
Filling -> {2 -> {{6}, {Yellow}}, 2 -> {{1}, {LightRed}},
1 -> {{3}, {LightBlue}}, 3 -> {{4}, {Green}}, 4 -> {{5}, {Orange}},
5 -> {{7}, {White}}},
PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red, Red, Blue, {Black, Dashed}},
AxesOrigin -> {-2, 0}]