
I have a probability mass function that should sum to unity algebraically, but neither FullSimplify nor FunctionExpand can deal with the Hypergeometric2F1 therein.

myPMF[x_, p_, k_] := (   p^k *(1 - p)^(x - k) 
                      + (1 - p)^k * p^(x - k)  ) Binomial[ x - 1, k - 1] // Simplify    
(*  coin toss that ends when either k heads or k  tails appears ;
    x = total number of flips;
    k <= x <= 2 k  

Assuming[ 0 < p < 1, Element[x | n, Integers]
   Sum[ myPMF[x, p, n], {x, n, 2 n - 1}] // FullSimplify 
 ]    (* expecting exact 1 like the numerical verification below ;
        FunctionExpand basically does nothing to HyperGeometric *)

start = 16; stop = 40; (* this takes maybe 6 seconds *)
       Sum[ myPMF[x, p, n], {x, n, 2 n - 1} ]
 , {n, start, stop} ] // Simplify

The exact sum can be done with partial numerical inputs as the code shows.

How do I carry out the algebraic sum and arrive at unity? Perhaps a different way of using FunctionExpand?

Thank you.

  • $\begingroup$ Your function can be simplified to 2 - (BetaRegularized[1 - p, n, n] + BetaRegularized[p, n, n]). $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 9, 2016 at 5:17
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. This is interesting. Thanks. Are you suggesting that I define my probability mass function with BetaRegularized to begin with, or that I can manipulate the current form with built-in commands into the BetaRegularized version? If the latter, how would I go about doing that? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 9, 2016 at 5:58
  • $\begingroup$ Nono, your PMF is as it should be, but its form was the tip-off that the summation would involve the regularized incomplete beta function at some point. Admittedly, Mathematica had to be helped a bit here; I'll write a detailed answer later, but if you want to try things out yourself in the meantime, the Pfaff transformation is particularly useful. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 9, 2016 at 6:06

1 Answer 1


Here is the "no thinking needed" way to demonstrate this:

               Sum[(p^n (1 - p)^(x - n) + (1 - p)^n p^(x - n)) Binomial[x - 1, n - 1],
                   {x, n, 2 n - 1}] // FunctionExpand, n]]

If, like me, you felt that that was unsatisfactory, here is a way that requires one to assist Mathematica in a few places, with the guidance of knowing a few hypergeometric identities.

For reference, this is the expression we get from directly evaluating the sum:

expr = Sum[(p^n (1 - p)^(x - n) + (1 - p)^n p^(x - n)) Binomial[x - 1, n - 1],
           {x, n, 2 n - 1}] // Simplify
   2 - ((1 - p) p)^n Binomial[2 n - 1, n - 1]
       (Hypergeometric2F1[1, 2 n, 1 + n, 1 - p] + Hypergeometric2F1[1, 2 n, 1 + n, p])

As I had noted in the comments, the Pfaff transformation is one of the first things to try; making this replacement gives

expr /. Hypergeometric2F1[a_, b_, c_, z_] :>
        (1 - z)^(c - a - b) Hypergeometric2F1[c - a, c - b, c, z] // FullSimplify
   2 - n (Beta[1 - p, n, n] + Beta[p, n, n]) Binomial[2 n - 1, n - 1]

where we now encounter the incomplete beta function. (Alternatively, one could use this identity.) A further simplification can be done using the identity

n Binomial[2 n - 1, n - 1] == 1/Beta[n, n] // FullSimplify

which yields

2 - (Beta[1 - p, n, n] + Beta[p, n, n])/Beta[n, n]

(or alternatively, 2 - (BetaRegularized[1 - p, n, n] + BetaRegularized[p, n, n])).

Finally, one can use the reflection formula for the incomplete beta function to get the desired result.


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