I checked NIntegrate integration strategies and found that my integral is a double exponential oscillatory function. I tried increasing the precision and recursions and specifying the method but I still get the following error
NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. >>
Here is the code that i used.
g[σ_, center_, q_] := q^5 + q^4 + q;
f[σ_, center_, energy_, mass_, q_] :=
E^(I (g[σ, center, q])) E^(-((q - center)^2/(4 σ^2))) E^(I energy q)
val[σ_, center_, energy_, mass_, q_] :=
f[σ, center, energy, mass, q], {q, -∞, ∞}, MaxRecursion -> 20,
WorkingPrecision -> 50, Method -> "DoubleExponentialOscillatory"];
val[3, 10, 500, 1, q]
I'm basically having a problem on how to deal with the highly oscillatory behavior of the integrand such that I get a nice numerical result.
by symmetry? $\endgroup$