I am trying to describe the fluid flow within a radially symmetric tube and use the code as it can be found from Wolframs homepage as template (Stokes's equation).
I adapted the geometry and the inlet flow to my given system and get a reasonable solution which is nice (parabolic laminar velocity profile):
Now, with the goal to reduce computational demand and to use later on the common balance equations for radially symmetric systems I want to solve only the upper half of the system depicted above. By doing so the centre line of the tube, which is at r = 0.0024, is going to be the new x axis.
In principle this can be done by using the symmetry of the system and setting up Neumann boundary conditions at the bottom (r == 0):
$\frac{\partial u}{\partial r}\left ( r=0 \right )=\frac{\partial v}{\partial r}\left ( r=0 \right )=\frac{\partial p}{\partial r}\left ( r=0 \right )=0$
Unfortunately here I am at the point where I get stuck. By using the FE method NeumannValues need to be defined. According to the documentation NeumannValue specifies the value on the right side of this equation with u being the dependent variable:
$\vec{n}\left ( c\triangledown u+\alpha u-\gamma \right )=g-qu$
But how does it look like when I have PDEs with more than one dependent variable like in $\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial v}{\partial r}=0$ ?
Although I am not sure about the NeumannValue definition for a first test I set it to zero using this code:
Ω = Rectangle[{0, 0}, {2.0016, 0.0024}];
RegionPlot[Ω, AspectRatio -> 0.5]
op = {D[μ*D[u[x, r], x], x] + D[μ*D[u[x, r], r], r] -
D[p[x, r], x],
D[μ*D[v[x, r], x], x] + D[μ*D[v[x, r], r], r] -
D[p[x, r], r], D[u[x, r], x] + D[v[x, r], r]} /. μ -> 0.0001;
Subscript[Γ, N] = {NeumannValue[0, r == 0 && x > 0],
NeumannValue[0, r == 0 && x > 0],
NeumannValue[0, r == 0 && x > 0]};
D] = {DirichletCondition[u[x, r] == 2*0.065*(1 - (r/0.0024)^2),
x == 0.],
DirichletCondition[{u[x, 0.0024] == 0., v[x, 0.0024] == 0.},
Inequality[0, Less, x, LessEqual, 2.0016]],
DirichletCondition[p[x, r] == 0., x == 2.0016]};
mesh = ToElementMesh[Ω,
MaxCellMeasure -> {"Length" -> 0.0012}];
{xVel, yVel, pressure} =
NDSolveValue[{op == Subscript[Γ, N],
Subscript[Γ, D]}, {u, v, p}, Element[{x, r}, mesh],
Method -> {"FiniteElement",
"InterpolationOrder" -> {u -> 2, v -> 2, p -> 1}}];
ContourPlot[xVel[x, r], {x, 0, 2}, {r, 0, 0.0024},
AspectRatio -> 0.5, ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
PlotLegends -> Automatic]
But apparently this is wrong as there is a flux at the bottom border causing the axial velocity to be zero where it should be at its maximum:
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
NeumannValue[0, x < 0]
? $\endgroup$