I want to integrate this function with respect to θ1
and then take the derivative of that function with respect to n
. Since the integral is not a known function I am having trouble with this operation. Does anyone have any ideas? I know that I can perform numerical integration on the function. The limits of integration that I'm interested in are 0
and ArcSin[0.2/n]
1/2 ((n Cos[θ1] -
0.2 Sqrt[1 - 25. n^2 Sin[θ1]^2])^2/(n Cos[θ1] +
0.2 Sqrt[1 - 25. n^2 Sin[θ1]^2])^2 + (-0.2 Cos[θ1] +
n Sqrt[1 - 25. n^2 Sin[θ1]^2])^2/(0.2 Cos[θ1] +
n Sqrt[1 - 25. n^2 Sin[θ1]^2])^2)