My goal was to remove the radical from the numerator of the function: $$f(x)=\frac{\sqrt{x^2+9}-3}{x^2}$$ I first entered my function.
f[x_] = (Sqrt[9 + x^2] - 3)/x^2
Then I created a list.
lst = {Numerator[f[x]], Denominator[f[x]]}
Then I multiplied both components of the list by $\sqrt{x^2+9}+3$, simplifying the result.
lst = lst*(Sqrt[9 + x^2] + 3) // Simplify
Then I changed the list back to a fraction.
f[x_] = lst /. {x_, y_} -> x/y
Which gave me: $$\frac{1}{3+\sqrt{9+x^2}}$$
I have a couple of questions.
Is there a simpler way to convert my last list back to a fraction?
Anyone have a simpler overall process for this particular sequence of algebraic manipulations?
I know I've seen a page on Mathematica Stack Exchange where there is a long list of how to simplify and change algebraic expressions, but I've been unable to find it. If someone knows of these links, can they share them?
Divide @@ lst
should work for you. $\endgroup$FullSimplify[f[x]]
for the initial statement? $\endgroup$