Here is a set of simple equations
W = 1/2 n^2 (x^2 + y^2) + 1/(2 r1) (1 + A/(2 r1^2) (1 - (3 z^2)/r1^2)) +
1/(2 r2) (1 + A/(2 r2^2) (1 - (3 z^2)/r2^2));
n = Sqrt[1 + 3 A];
r1 = Sqrt[(x + m)^2 + y^2 + z^2];
r2 = Sqrt[(x - 1 + m)^2 + y^2 + z^2];
m = 1/2;
Wz = D[W, z] /. {x -> 0, y -> 0};
Now I want to print the simplified expression Wz
and its numeratorfz
Print["Wz = ", Simplify[Wz]]
Print["fz = ", Simplify[Numerator[Wz]]]
However Mathematica prints the same output in both cases! Why? Is this a bug?
I am using v9.0 in Windows XP 32.
Many thanks in advance!