Let's say I want to sample from 100 Beta distributions, and in each successive one, the first parameter increases by 1. So given a current iteration number n
, I want to make a list of
RandomVariate[ BetaDistribution[n, b] ]
for all n
values from 1 to 100. Is there an easy way to do this in Mathematica? I assume I would be able to find a way without needing to define 100 different distributions.
Edit 2: I changed the distribution I was talking about slightly--I'm asking this as a general question, the actual distribution I'm trying to sample from is a little more complicated but I'm hoping that if there's a solution that works for this, I can apply that solution elsewhere.
Edit: I thought this was possible with a For loop but after trying it out looks like I was wrong. Any help is appreciated
RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, sv], 100] + Range@100
... $\endgroup$