Adapting linearExpand
from my answer to How to do algebra on unevaluated integrals?, we can come up with some transformations to factor separable multiple integrals. The function someFunction
internally deals with and returns Inactive
integrals, which can be evaluated with Activate
, if appropriate or desired.
someFunction[Integrate[p[x] p[y], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}]]
someFunction[Integrate[p[x] p[y], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 100}]]
someFunction[Integrate[p[x] p[y], {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, x}]]
someFunction[Integrate[p[x] (p[y] + q[y]), {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}]^2]
(* Vitaliy Kaurov's example *)
test = Integrate[p[x]*p[y]*q[z]*r[s]*r[u],
{x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, 0, 2}, {s, 3, 10}, {u, 3, 10}];
% /. changeVar[x]
someFunction[Integrate[q[x], {x, 0, 2}] + test]
We need some auxilliary functions.
converts a multiple integral into an iterated integral.
applies linearity properties to an integral, distributing the integral over a sum and factoring out constants.
recursively factors constants out of nested integrals using linearExpand
changes the variable of integration.
These can be applied by Simplify
via the TransformationFunctions
option. The trick, and it can be tricky, is devising a ComplexityFunction
that will prefer a result in a factored out form. Note that we use changeVar
only to combine two integrals that are equivalent. At the end we can change the variable in the independent integrals to the same one.
Code dump
ClearAll[linearExpand, iterated, factorConstants, changeVar, someFunction];
linearExpand[e_, x_, head_] :=
e //. {op : head[arg_Plus, __] :> Distribute[op],
head[arg1_Times, var_, rest___] /; ! FreeQ[var, x] :>
With[{dependencies = Internal`DependsOnQ[#, x] & /@ List @@ arg1},
Pick[arg1, dependencies, False] *
head[Pick[arg1, dependencies, True], var, rest]]};
iterated[Integrate[f_, dom : {_Symbol, _, _} ..]] :=
Fold[Inactive[Integrate], f, Reverse@{dom}];
iterated[Inactive[Integrate][f_, dom : {_Symbol, _, _} ..]] :=
Fold[Inactive[Integrate], f, Reverse@{dom}];
factorConstants[Inactive[Integrate][f_, {v_Symbol, a_, b_}]] :=
f /. j : Inactive[Integrate][_, _] :> factorConstants[j], {v, a, b}] /.
i : Inactive[Integrate][_, {v, _, _}] :>
linearExpand[i, v, Inactive[Integrate]];
factorConstants[x_] := x;
changeVar[Inactive[Integrate][f_, {v_, a_, b_}]] :=
i : Inactive[Integrate][g_, {w_, a, b}] /;
Simplify[f == g /. v -> w] :> (i /. w -> v);
changeVar[v_] :=
i : Inactive[Integrate][g_, {w_Symbol, _, _}] :> (i /. w /; FreeQ[g, Integrate] -> v);
someFunction[integral_] :=
With[{v =
HoldPattern[(Integrate | Inactive[Integrate])[_, {x_, _, _}, ___]] :> x,
integral /.
{i : (Integrate | Inactive[Integrate])[_, {_Symbol, _, _}, {_Symbol, _, _} ..] :>
iterated@Inactivate[i, Integrate],
i : (Integrate | Inactive[Integrate])[_, {_Symbol, _, _}] :>
Inactivate[i, Integrate]},
TransformationFunctions -> {Automatic,
# /. i : Inactive[Integrate][f_, {_, _, _}] :> factorConstants[i] &,
# /. changeVar /@
Cases[#, Inactive[Integrate][f_, {v_, a_, b_}], Infinity] &},
ComplexityFunction -> (LeafCount[#] +
10 Count[{#},
Inactive[Integrate][Inactive[Integrate][__], __], Infinity] +
5 Count[{#},
Inactive[Integrate][f_, __] /; ! FreeQ[f, Integrate], Infinity] -
Count[{#}, Power[Inactive[Integrate][f_, __], _], Infinity] +
Cases[{#}, Inactive[Integrate][f_, {x_, _, _}] :> x, Infinity] &)
] /. changeVar[v]) /; FreeQ[v, Missing]
someFunction[expr_] := expr;
The first two terms after LeafCount
of the ComplexityFunction
penalize nested integrals, the first one penalizing nested integrals in which the constants have not been factored out. The next term, being subtracted, rewards gathering powers of integrals. The last term penalizes extra variables of integration, which drives Simplify
to prefer changing variables to the same thing.