I would like to integrate the following product of Exp
and Cos
Integrate[Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
But the output is the same as the input form. Is it possible for Mathematica to perform this integration?
Besides of the method provide by @Michael E2,we can test the result by N-L formula.
int = Integrate[Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t], x, Assumptions -> a > 0]
expr = Limit[int, x -> ∞, Assumptions -> a > 0] -
Limit[int, x -> -∞, Assumptions -> a > 0]
Simplify[expr // ComplexExpand, a > 0]
The same as
Assuming[a > 0,
Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t] // TrigToExp, {x, -∞,∞}] // ComplexExpand // Simplify]
Integrate[Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}, Assumptions -> t > 0 && a > 0 && b > 0]
$\endgroup$res = Integrate[Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t] // TrigToExp, {x, -Infinity, Infinity}, Assumptions -> a > 0]
. Andres // ExpToTrig // TrigExpand // Simplify
gives a nice looking result. $\endgroup$Integrate[ Exp[-a x^2 + b x] Cos[x t] // TrigToExp, {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]