Creating a data set dset
with date values for the period of 5 months starting on a Sunday associated with random integers ( DayName @ {2015, 04, 12} (* Sunday*)
dset = DateRange[{2015, 04, 12},
DatePlus[{2015, 04, 12}, {5, "Month"}],
Quantity[1, "Days"]] // {#, RandomInteger[100, Length @ #]} & //
Transpose ;
To create tick marks, FoldList gets all Wednesdays (Sunday + 4) from the dset by using DatePlus which is then associated with tick labels in the postfix expressions.
ticks = FoldList[DatePlus[#, {1, "Week"}] &, DatePlus[dset[[1, 1]], {4, "Day"}],
dset[[All, 1]]] // {#,
Rotate["Week " <> ToString @#, \[Pi]/2] & /@
Range @ Length@# } & // Transpose;
The grid corresponds to the starting of a week. E.g. Week 1 starts on the first Sunday. Therefore the value associated with Sunday lays on the first line and 6 points lay in between.
grid = FoldList[DatePlus[#, {1, "Week"}] &, dset[[1, 1]],
dset[[All, 1]]];
And here the plot
DateListPlot[dset, Ticks -> {ticks, Automatic},
AxesOrigin -> {DatePlus[dset[[1, 1]], {-1, "Week"}], 0},
GridLines -> {grid, None}, Axes -> True, ImageSize -> 800,
Frame -> False]
![enter image description here](
Update 1
To demonstrate that above solution works as well if there are gaps of data points, because the ticks and grid lines do not depend on availability of data points.
Here a data set from Amundsen-Scott 90°00’S with temperature measurements in irregular intervals.
dset = WeatherData["WMO89009",
"Temperature", {"Jun. 1, 2014", "Dec. 1, 2014", "Day"}];
Here a more robust way to generate ticks and grid lines, in order NOT to be dependent on first date value being a Sunday. Derived from idea presented by @kguler
ticks = Select[DateRange[dset[[1, 1]], dset[[-1, 1]]] ,
DayMatchQ[#, Wednesday] &] // {#,
Rotate["Week " <> ToString@#, \[Pi]/2] & /@ Range@Length@#} & //
grid = Select[DateRange[dset[[1, 1]], dset[[-1, 1]]] ,
DayMatchQ[#, Sunday] &];
And here the plot again
DateListPlot[dset, Ticks -> {ticks, Automatic},
AxesOrigin -> {DatePlus[dset[[1, 1]], {-1, "Week"}], 0},
GridLines -> {grid, None}, Axes -> True, ImageSize -> 800,
Frame -> False]
Points have intentionally not be joined in order to see the irregularity of measurements being taken. (I know, the question assumes 7 data points within 7 days, by the way not stating one on each day. Whereas the data points from Amundsen-Scott have an irregular number of measurements within 7 days and is only meant for demonstrating how to handle this special case.
![enter image description here](
Update 2
Weather data from the South Pole:
dset = WeatherData["WMO89009",
"Temperature", {"Jun. 1, 2014", "Dec. 1, 2014", "Day"}];
Using DayRange
is about 100 times faster to create ticks and grid than using Pick
or Select
in combination with DateRange
fnDayDates[d_, dset_] := DayRange[First@First@#, First@Last@#, d]&[dset]
ticks = fnDayDates[Wednesday,dset] //
{#,Rotate["Week " <> ToString@#, \[Pi]/2] & /@ Range@Length@#}& //
Here we go:
colorAntarctic[ z_ ] := Lighter @ RGBColor[z/2, 1 - z, 1];
DateListPlot[dset, Ticks -> {ticks, Automatic},
TicksStyle -> Directive[ Bold, 12],
AxesOrigin -> {DatePlus[dset[[1, 1]], {-1, "Week"}], 0},
GridLines -> {fnDayDates[Sunday, dset], None},
ColorFunction -> colorAntarctic, Axes -> True, Filling -> Axis,
PlotMarkers -> Automatic, Joined -> True, AspectRatio -> 1/3,
ImageSize -> 800, Frame -> False,
PlotLabel ->
Style["South Pole 90\[Degree]00\[CloseCurlyQuote]S - Jun. 1, \
2014-Dec. 1, 2014", Bold, 14]]
![enter image description here](
PS: by the way, penguins don't care, hi,hi,hi
is about 100 times faster than usingSelect
in combination withDateRange
. Enjoy "playing" with Mathematica, as you mention in your profile.... $\endgroup$