Suppose we have a point set, the points are labeled 1,2,3,....n. And p[i]
is the coordinate of the point. Now I want the label of nearest and next nearest point (maybe several) corresponding every point in this point set.
For example:
p[1] = {0, 0};
p[2] = {0, 1};
p[3] = {1, 0};
p[4] = {0, 5};
and I want a list for nearest neighbour like this:
{{2, 3}, {1}, {1}, {2}}
it means that p[2]
and p[3]
is nearest to p[1]
, p[1]
is nearest to p[2]
, etc.
And I need a similar next nearest neighbour list.
I write the following code:
num = 5000;
Do[p[i] = RandomInteger[{1, 100}, 2], {i, 1, num}];
coolist = Table[p[i], {i, 1, num}];
position[expr_] :=
With[{positionData =
SortBy[#[[1, 1]] -> #[[All, 2]] & /@
Extract[expr, #, Verbatim] -> # & /@
Position[expr, _, Depth[expr]], First],
Min[Length /@ #[[2]]] &] // Dispatch},
Replace[#, positionData] &];
poscoolist = position[coolist];
nnsite[k_, coolist_] := Module[{nncoolist},
nncoolist = Nearest[Complement[coolist, {p[k]}], p[k]];
Table[poscoolist[nncoolist[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[nncoolist]}]];
nearestlist = Table[nnsite[i, coolist], {i, 1, num}]; // AbsoluteTiming
Thread[Evaluate@Array[nnlabel, num] = nearestlist];
nnnsite[k_, coolist_] := Module[{nnncoolist},
nnncoolist =
Delete[coolist, Partition[nnlabel[k], 1]], {p[k]}], p[k]];
Table[poscoolist[nnncoolist[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[nnncoolist]}]];
nextnearestlist =
Table[nnnsite[i, coolist], {i, 1, num}]; // AbsoluteTiming
the function position
in the above code is provide by Mr.Wizard (see here). nearestlist
and nextnearestlist
give the result.
Notice to use my code, supply every coordinate p[i] of points.
For 5000 points, it takes 1 minutes. But for 10000 points, it takes 6 minutes. Quite long!
I feel that my code is so simple, there must be better ways that are more efficient.
several times. Why not just call it once to get a precomputedNearestFunction
, and use that to find the three nearest sites to any given point? The first one will be the site itself, the next two will be the points you want. It will be much more efficient. (I'd post an answer but I don't have access to Mathematica right now.) $\endgroup$NearestFunction
! Let me see it. $\endgroup$NearestFunction
with larger and larger $n$ until it encounters a point at the third nearest distance... $\endgroup$Nearest
also supports aNearest[data, x, {n, r}]
syntax which returns $n$ nearest points within radius $r$, see: $\endgroup$