This looks like a horrible bug present in 12.3.1 (still happens on 13.0.1) (indeed due to "SumConvergence uses pre V11.2 Limit" and it is used for DivergenceTest). First of all even if on this limit Raabe test Method does work there is worse example here: Why doesn't Mathematica provide an answer while Wolfram|Alpha does, concerning a series convergence?
I suppose DivergenceTest has higher priority (remember it is only meaningful for False, for True it means nothing).
Or the problem there is that Raabe is done on nonnegative series and it somehow fails to check it.
a[n_] := (1 - Log[n]/n)^(2 n);
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> Automatic] (* False, bug: does not TRY Raabe *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RaabeTest"] (* True, NICE. It is 2. *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RatioTest"] (* Error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RootTest"] (* Error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "DivergenceTest"] (* False, a bug! *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "IntegralTest"] (* Fails, infinite loop bug!! *)
For DivergenceTest see
Now, they broke IntegralTest long time ago, see SumConvergence difficulty first workaround on 1- Cos[Pi/n] there does not help this case though, it errors out after some time but FreeQ idea and myLCT do work, WOW. FreeQ does not work on (1 - Log[n]/n)^(2 n) though by myLCT does. So...
Now, indeed both Raabe test by hand and next level of it (in the series of Kummer's tests), Bertrand test (strange it is not one of Methods, WTF, one can even use Extended Betrand that is continuation further of that):
b[n_] = (1 - Log[n]/n)^(2 n);
Limit[Log[n] (n (b[n]/b[n + 1] - 1) - 1), n -> Infinity] (* prints Infinity, so convergent *)
Other example is worse. It is actually quite interesting, see: and related questions.
a[n_] := 1 - Cos[Pi/n];
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> Automatic] (* error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RaabeTest"] (* error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RatioTest"] (* error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "RootTest"] (* error *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "DivergenceTest"] (* true, so useless *)
SumConvergence[a[n], n, Method -> "IntegralTest"] (* error *)
Raabe by hand again prints 2 while Betrand's prints Infinity. So converges.
b[n_] = 1 - Cos[Pi/n];
Limit[Log[n] (n (b[n]/b[n + 1] - 1) - 1), n -> Infinity] (* Infinity *)
Now I would not say this Raabe approach is always perfect. Try:
b[n_] = Abs[Sin[n]]^n/n;
Limit[n (b[n]/b[n + 1] - 1), n -> Infinity] (* Infinite loop *)
should correctly work here in view ofAsymptoticEqual[(1 - Log[n]/n)^(2 n), 1/n^2, n -> Infinity]
which answersTrue
, but fails. $\endgroup$n
and see that the curve goes to zero. $\endgroup$Series[(1 - Log[n]/n)^(2*n), {n, Infinity, 30}]
is for many hours. In Maple, the expansion of 100 terms is done almost immediately. $\endgroup$