
I want to use a distribution I have only aggregate statistics on, namely its CDF sampled at certain points. I would like to keep it "nonparametric" (remain noncommittal on the parametric form), but I need some interpolation over these points. Also, I would like to use a PDF of the distribution. So I would need an interpolation that is monotone and differentiable over a list. What is there to do?

(FWIW: With Interpolation[], only a first-order interpolation is monotone, but then there are non-differentiable breakpoints in the piecewise linear function.)

Here is a list I would interpolate over:

EDIT: This is the US taxable income distribution for 2009 which I manually extended with two endpoints to help it look like a CDF. This latter point might be silly, let me know how you'd do better.

{{0, 0}, {5000., 0.00373625}, {10000., 0.0269361}, {15000., 0.0621601}, {20000., 0.121612},
 {25000., 0.178247}, {30000., 0.234482}, {40000., 0.3516}, {50000., 0.453972},
 {75000., 0.654898}, {100000., 0.78906}, {200000., 0.952381}, {500000., 0.991166},
 {1.*10^6, 0.997134}, {1.5*10^6, 0.998442}, {2.*10^6, 0.998977}, {5.*10^6, 0.999727},
 {1.*10^7, 0.9999}, {10000000000, 1}}
  • $\begingroup$ Do you have an analytic model or guess for that function? $\endgroup$ Commented May 22, 2012 at 22:17
  • $\begingroup$ No, I did not want to go down that route. Then I know I could Fit the functional form on this list. $\endgroup$
    – László
    Commented May 22, 2012 at 22:22
  • $\begingroup$ FWIW: This is the US income distribution. There are some guesses what might be a nice analytical form, like a mixture of "something" and a Pareto tail, but I hoped I could avoid that. $\endgroup$
    – László
    Commented May 22, 2012 at 22:23
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Your last point seems like an outlier. This are mutual neighbor divisions of horizontal coordinate: {ComplexInfinity, 2., 1.5, 1.33333, 1.25, 1.2, 1.33333, 1.25, 1.5, 1.33333, 2., 2.5, 2., 1.5, 1.33333, 2.5, 2., 1000.} They all seem comparable, besides the last point. $\endgroup$ Commented May 22, 2012 at 22:40
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ I think monotone cubic spline interpolation will do the trick. $\endgroup$
    – azdahak
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 0:39

3 Answers 3


The code in Heike's answer is a bit long, but only because it does not exploit the fact that piecewise Hermite interpolation is already supported by Mathematica as Interpolation[]. Thus, here is a shorter way to implement Fritsch-Carlson monotonic cubic interpolation:

fcint[data_] := Module[{del, slopes, tau},
                       del = #2/#1 & @@@ Differences[data];
                       slopes = Flatten[{del[[1]], MovingAverage[del, 2], del[[-1]]}];
                       tau = MapThread[Min, Through[{Append, Prepend}[Min[#, 1] & /@
                                       (3 del/(Norm /@ Partition[slopes, 2, 1])), 1]]];
                       Interpolation[Transpose[{List /@ data[[All, 1]], data[[All, -1]],
                                slopes tau}], InterpolationOrder -> 3, Method -> "Hermite"]]

Try it out:

data = {{0, 0}, {5000., 0.00373625}, {10000., 0.0269361}, {15000., 0.0621601},
        {20000., 0.121612}, {25000., 0.178247}, {30000., 0.234482}, {40000., 0.3516},
        {50000., 0.453972}, {75000., 0.654898}, {100000., 0.78906}, {200000., 0.952381},
        {500000., 0.991166}, {1.*10^6, 0.997134}, {1.5*10^6, 0.998442}, {2.*10^6, 0.998977},
        {5.*10^6, 0.999727}, {1.*10^7, 0.9999}, {10000000000, 1}};

fun = fcint[data];

Plot[fun[x], {x, 0, 10^6}, Axes -> None,
     Epilog -> {Red, AbsolutePointSize[4], Point[data]}, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All]

plot of Fritsch-Carlson piecewise cubic interpolant

I actually have implemented various methods for producing piecewise monotonic interpolants in Mathematica, but I don't think this is the right place to list them all. (Maybe for another time and question...) In the meantime, however, I still want to show that the method presented above is not the only (much less the best) method for doing monotonic interpolation. For instance, here is another method, also due to Fritsch and Carlson:

PCHIPEnds[h1_, h2_, d1_, d2_] := With[{d = ((2 h1 + h2) d1 - h1 d2)/(h1 + h2)}, 
          Which[Sign[d] != Sign[d1], 0, 
                Sign[d1] != Sign[d2] && Abs[d] > 3 Abs[d1], 3 d1,
                True, d]]

PCHIPInterpolation[data_] := Module[{dTrans = Transpose[data], del, h},
    h = Differences[First[dTrans]]; del = Differences[Last[dTrans]]/h;
    Interpolation[Transpose[{List /@ First[dTrans], Last[dTrans], Flatten[
                  {PCHIPEnds[h[[1]], h[[2]], del[[1]], del[[2]]], 
                   If[Equal @@ Sign[Last[#]] && And @@ Thread[Last[#] != 0], 
                      3 Total[First[#]]/Total[({{1, 2}, {2, 1}}.First[#])/Last[#]], 0] & /@
                      Transpose[Partition[#, 2, 1] & /@ {h, del}], 
                   PCHIPEnds[h[[-1]], h[[-2]], del[[-1]], del[[-2]]]}]}], 
                  InterpolationOrder -> 3, Method -> "Hermite"]]

This is in fact the same algorithm behind the MATLAB function pchip().

Try it out:

fun = PCHIPInterpolation[data];

Plot[fun[x], {x, 0, 10^6}, Axes -> None,
     Epilog -> {Red, AbsolutePointSize[4], Point[data]}, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All]

plot of "PCHIP" interpolant

As an addendum: the Fritsch-Carlson paper notes that the interpolant from Akima's (1970) interpolation method (which can also be recast as a piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant) is not guaranteed to preserve the monotonicity of the data (thus, I don't recommend its use for constructing an interpolated CDF). If, even with this caveat, you still want to use the Akima interpolant, here's a short routine for producing it:

AkimaInterpolation[data_] := Module[{dy},
  dy = #2/#1 & @@@ Differences[data];
  Interpolation[Transpose[{List /@ data[[All, 1]], data[[All, -1]], 
                With[{wp = Abs[#4 - #3], wm = Abs[#2 - #1]}, 
                     If[wp + wm == 0, (#2 + #3)/2, (wp #2 + wm #3)/(wp + wm)]] & @@@
                Partition[Join[{{3, -2}, {2, -1}}.Take[dy, 2], dy,
                               {{-1, 2}, {-2, 3}}.Take[dy, -2]], 4, 1]}], 
                InterpolationOrder -> 3, Method -> "Hermite"]]

(There is a newer (1991) cubic interpolant also due to Akima, but the algorithm for producing it is a bit more involved. It, too, does not preserve monotonicity.)

Try it out:

fun = AkimaInterpolation[data];

Plot[fun[x], {x, 0, 10^6}, Axes -> None,
     Epilog -> {Red, AbsolutePointSize[4], Point[data]}, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All]

plot of Akima interpolant


Following the method on the wikipedia page mentioned in the comments, I came up with this

interp[pts_] := Module[{delta, mlst, zeropos, tau, h00, h01, h10, h11},
   delta = #2/#1 & @@@ Differences[pts];
   mlst = Flatten[{delta[[1]], MovingAverage[delta, 2], delta[[-1]]}];
   tau = Min[#, 1] & /@ (3 delta/Sqrt[(Most[mlst]^2 + Rest[mlst]^2)]);
   tau = MapThread[Min, {ArrayPad[tau, {0, 1}, 1], ArrayPad[tau, {1, 0}, 1]}];
   mlst = mlst tau;
   h01[t_] := -2 t^3 + 3 t^2;
   h00[t_] := h01[1 - t];
   h11[t_] := t^3 - t^2;
   h10[t_] := -h11[1 - t];
       Function[{plow, phigh, mlow, mhigh},
        Module[{diff, t},
         diff = phigh[[1]] - plow[[1]];
         t = (x - plow[[1]])/diff;
         {Expand[plow[[2]] h00[t] + diff mlow h10[t] + phigh[[2]] h01[t] +
           diff mhigh h11[t]], plow[[1]] <= x <= phigh[[1]]}]],
       {Most[pts], Rest[pts], Most[mlst], Rest[mlst]}]]]];

fun = interp[pts];

Plot[fun[x], {x, 0, 10^6}, Exclusions -> None, PlotRange -> All, Epilog -> Point[pts]]

Mathematica graphics

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ On version 7 mlst = Join[{delta[[1]]}, (Most@delta + Rest@delta)/2, {delta[[-1]]}] is faster; can you confirm for v8? Also, consider tau = MapThread[Min, {{##, 1}, {1, ##}}] & @@ tau $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 15:56
  • $\begingroup$ @Heike, This is impressive, but on a more detailed list (113 elements) I got gaps in the interpolation. What could cause that? Shame I cannot decipher on my own. $\endgroup$
    – László
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 17:50

Update: The link in the late Jens-Peer Kuska's MathGroup post is no longer working, and it seems there are no other locations on the web to download the package from. So, here I post the contents of the package with gratitute to Jens-Peer Kuska for his continuing service to the Mathematica community.

Nonparametric Splines package - Jens-Peer Kuska


 CubicSplineInterpolation::usage="CubicSplineInterpolation[x,y] compute a cubic spline interpolation function. It return a CubicSpline[] function, the function should have smooth first and second derivatives.."
 CubicSpline::usage="CubicSpline[] represent a interpolation function returned by    CubicSplineInterpolation[]."

 AkimaSplineInterpolation::usage="AkimaSplineInterpolation[x,y] compute a Akima spline interpolation. It return a AkimaSpline[] function with smooth first derivative."
 AkimaSpline::usage="AkimaSpline[] represent a interpolation function returned by AkimaSplineInterpolation[].."

 ExtractSplineData::usage="ExtractSplineData[spline_] return the list of the original {x,y} pairs."



 SplineDataRange[CubicSpline[x_,__]]:={Min[#],Max[#]} &[x]
 SplineDataRange[AkimaSpline[x_,__]]:={Min[#],Max[#]} &[x]

 CubicSplineInterpolation[x_, y_, yp1_, ypn_] :=
    Module[{n, u, d2y, i, sig, p, qn, un},
    n = Length[y];
    u = Table[0, {n}];
    d2y = u;
    d2y[[1]] = 0.5;
    u[[1]] = (3.0/(x[[2]] - x[[1]]))*((y[[2]] - y[[1]])/(x[[2]] - x[[1]]) - yp1);
   sig = (x[[i]] - x[[i - 1]])/(x[[i + 1]] - x[[i - 1]]);
   p = sig*d2y[[i - 1]] + 2.0;
   d2y[[i]] = (sig - 1.0)/p;
   u[[i]] = (y[[i + 1]] - y[[i]])/(x[[i + 1]] - x[[i]]) - (y[[i]] -  y[[i - 1]])/(x[[i]] - x[[i - 1]]);
   u[[i]] = (6.0*u[[i]]/(x[[i + 1]] - x[[i - 1]]) - sig*u[[i - 1]])/p, {i, 2, n - 1} ];
   If[NumericQ[ypn],  qn = 0.5;  un = (3.0/(x[[n]] - 
     x[[n - 1]]))*(ypn - (y[[n]] - y[[n - 1]])/(x[[n]] - 
      x[[n - 1]])),
    un = qn = 0.0 ];
   d2y[[n]] = (un - qn*u[[n - 1]])/(qn*d2y[[n - 1]] + 1.0);
   Do[d2y[[i]] = d2y[[i]]*d2y[[i + 1]] + u[[i]],  {i, n - 1, 1, -1}];
   CubicSpline[x, y, d2y]

 CubicSplineInterpolation[xy : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}, yp1_, ypn_] :=
    CubicSplineInterpolation[Sequence @@ Transpose[xy], yp1, ypn]

 CubicSplineInterpolation[xy : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}] := 
  CubicSplineInterpolation[Sequence @@ Transpose[xy], Automatic, Automatic]

 spline = Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}, {d2y, _Real, 1}, {t, _Real}},
    Module[{a, b, h, low = 1, hi = Length[x], j},
    While[hi - low > 1,  j = Quotient[hi + low, 2];
     If[x[[j]] > t, hi = j, low = j]   ];
     h = x[[hi]] - x[[low]];
     a = (x[[hi]] - t)/h;
     b = 1 - a;
     a*y[[low]] + b*y[[hi]] + ((a^3 - a)*d2y[[low]] + (b^3 - b)*d2y[[low]])*h^2/6

dspline = Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}, {d2y, _Real, 1}, {t, _Real}},
    Module[{a, b, h, low = 1, hi = Length[x], j},
      While[hi - low > 1,
       j = Quotient[hi + low, 2];
        If[x[[j]] > t, hi = j, low = j]];
       h = x[[hi]] - x[[low]];
       a = (x[[hi]] - t)/h;
       b = 1 - a;
      (y[[hi]] - y[[low]])/h +h*((3*b^2 - 1)*d2y[[hi]] - (3*a^2 - 1)*d2y[[low]])/6

 ddspline =  Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}, {d2y, _Real, 1}, {t, _Real}},
    Module[{a, b, h, low = 1, hi = Length[x], j},
      While[hi - low > 1, j = Quotient[hi + low, 2];
        If[x[[j]] > t, hi = j, low = j] ];
        h = x[[hi]] - x[[low]];
        a = (x[[hi]] - t)/h;
        b = 1 - a;
       b*d2y[[hi]] + a*d2y[[low]] ]];

 CubicSpline[x_, y_, d2y_][t_?NumericQ] := spline[x, y, d2y, t]
 CubicSpline[x_, y_, d2y_]'[t_?NumericQ] := dspline[x, y, d2y, t]
 CubicSpline[x_, y_, d2y_]''[t_?NumericQ] := ddspline[x, y, d2y, t]
 Format[CubicSpline[x_, _, _]] := CubicSpline[{First[x], Last[x]}, "<>"]

 AkimaSplineInterpolation[x_List, y_List, yp1_, ypn_] /; Length[x] == Length[y] :=
  Module[{i, n, m, t, tmp1, tmp2},
    n = Length[x];
    m = Table[0, {n + 4}];
    Do[ m[[i + 2]] = (y[[i + 1]] - y[[i]])/(x[[i + 1]] - x[[i]]), {i, 1, n - 1}];
      If[NumericQ[yp1],  m[[1]] = m[[2]] = yp1,   m[[1]] = m[[2]] = m[[3]]  ];
      If[NumericQ[ypn],   m[[n + 3]] = m[[n + 4]] = ypn,
        m[[n + 3]] = m[[n + 4]] = m[[n - 1]]  ];
      t = Table[0, {n}];
    Do[ tmp1 = Abs[m[[i + 3]] - m[[i + 2]]];
        tmp2 = Abs[m[[i + 1]] - m[[i]]];
        t[[i]] = If[tmp1 + tmp2 > 0, (* Then *)
       (tmp1*m[[i + 1]] + tmp2*m[[i + 2]])/ (tmp1 + tmp2),
      (* Else *)   (m[[i + 1]] + m[[i + 2]])/2 ], {i, 1, n}];
   AkimaSpline[x, y, t]

 AkimaSplineInterpolation[xy : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}, yp1_, ypn_] :=
    AkimaSplineInterpolation[Sequence @@ Transpose[xy], yp1, ypn]

 AkimaSplineInterpolation[xy : {{_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ} ..}] :=
    AkimaSplineInterpolation[Sequence @@ Transpose[xy], Automatic, Automatic]

 aspline =  Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}, {ta, _Real, 1}, {t, _Real}},
    Module[{a, b, c, d, h, del, tmp, low = 1, hi = Length[x], j},
     While[hi - low > 1,  j = Quotient[hi + low, 2];
      If[x[[j]] > t, hi = j, low = j]  ];
      h = 1.0/(x[[hi]] - x[[low]]);
      a = y[[low]];
      b = ta[[low]];
      tmp = (y[[hi]] - y[[low]])*h;
      c = (3.0*tmp - 2.0*ta[[low]] - ta[[hi]])*h;
      d = (ta[[low]] + ta[[hi]] - 2.0*tmp)*h*h;
      del = t - x[[low]];
      a + del*(b + del*(c + del*d)) ]];

  daspline =   Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real, 1}, {ta, _Real, 1}, {t, _Real}},
     Module[{b, c, d, h, del, tmp, low = 1, hi = Length[x], j},
      While[hi - low > 1,
        j = Quotient[hi + low, 2];
        If[x[[j]] > t, hi = j, low = j]  ];
        h = 1.0/(x[[hi]] - x[[low]]);
        b = ta[[low]];
        tmp = (y[[hi]] - y[[low]])*h;
        c = (3.0*tmp - 2.0*ta[[low]] - ta[[hi]])*h;
        d = (ta[[low]] + ta[[hi]] - 2.0*tmp)*h*h;
        del = t - x[[low]];
        b + (2.0* c + 3.0* d *del) *del  ]];

  AkimaSpline[x_, y_, ta_][t_?NumericQ] := aspline[x, y, ta, t]
  AkimaSpline[x_, y_, ta_]'[t_?NumericQ] := daspline[x, y, ta, t]

  Format[AkimaSpline[x_, _, _]] := AkimaSpline[{First[x], Last[x]}, "<>"]


AkimaSplineInterpolation in the NonParametricSplines package seems to be a good fit for your needs.

EDIT: The package does not come with the Mathematica installation; it was posted in 2008 in MathGroup by the late Jens-Peer Kuska. The link in the MathGroup post for Kuska's zipped files is still active.

doc page for AkimaSplineInterpolation

dataset = {{0, 0}, {5000., 0.00373625}, {10000., 0.0269361}, {15000.,  0.0621601},
           {20000., 0.121612}, {25000., 0.178247}, {30000., 0.234482}, {40000., 0.3516},
           {50000., 0.453972}, {75000.,  0.654898}, {100000., 0.78906}, {200000., 0.952381},
           {500000., 0.991166}, {1.*10^6, 0.997134}, {1.5*10^6, 0.998442},
           {2.*10^6, 0.998977}, {5.*10^6, 0.999727}, {1.*10^7, 0.9999}, {10000000000, 1}};
asi = AkimaSplineInterpolation[dataset]
(* ==> AkimaSpline[{0,10000000000},"<>"] *)
ListPlot[dataset[[;; i]], PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, Medium}, Frame -> True], 
Plot[asi[x], {x, 0, 10000000}, Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> {Red, Thick}, PlotRange -> All]],
{{i, 10, "i"}, 10, 19, 1}]



  • $\begingroup$ This package isn't included in my version of Mathematica $\endgroup$
    – Heike
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 8:30
  • $\begingroup$ Neither in mine. 8.0.4. What version do you use? $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 8:38
  • $\begingroup$ @Heike, I am using v8.0.4.0 (for Windows). Just noticed that the link in my post (copied from package docs and used to work half hour ago) is now redirected to Wolfram's Oops page; and searching for NonParametricSplines, AkimaSpline etc does not give any results. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 8:56
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs & Heike, ... I don't remember installing this add-on at all - I am pretty sure it came with the standard installation. BTW, although the package seems to have been around since version 6, my V7 installation does not have this add-on. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented May 23, 2012 at 9:01
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The link seems to be kaput for me. Would you happen to know another place where I can download Kuska's package? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 14:52

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