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acl's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
7 votes

Simulate a simple spinner

7 votes

Solving an equation and finding a couple of results given that they are integer

7 votes

How can I extract the data from an image and process it pixel by pixel?

7 votes

Numerical solution of a differential equation with NIntegrate coefficients

7 votes

How do I plot x[t] vs. x'[t] (where x[t] and x'[t] are solutions to NDSolve)?

7 votes

Assessing argument type in set delayed function definitions

6 votes

Keywords to find documentation for this syntax

6 votes

Help with Permutations

6 votes

Probability: proportion of 1000 random lists for x that contain the same nrs

6 votes

How to assign different colors to list plotted in ParametricPlot?

6 votes

Generating continuous products or sum

6 votes

Vectors in a spherical shell

6 votes

How to solve this logarithmic equation?

6 votes

Programmatically quitting the FrontEnd or running without one?

6 votes

How to get the boolean value of an inequality involving an InterpolatingFunction?

6 votes

Can DSolve solve systems with unspecified function coefficients?

6 votes

2D Gaussian distribution of squares coordinates

6 votes

How to plot imaginary part of a function

6 votes

Defining an integer-valued function on an integer domain

6 votes

Keeping Text Size the Same Throughout Entire Notebook File

6 votes

diff-able text-only notebooks?

6 votes

How can I name "a[[i]]" the parts of Table "a"? Or how to make Table "a" grow inside FindMinimum?

6 votes

Order of operations for the Table function

6 votes

Binarizing a matrix

5 votes

Using AddTo in a function

5 votes

How do I make an image "nearly" black and white?

5 votes

Go to definition of symbol/variable

5 votes

Numbered symbols

5 votes

Density plot for data with a wide dynamic range

5 votes

Is there a built in function to obtain the back diagonal of a matrix?

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