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Questions on the manipulation of List objects in Mathematica, and the functions used for these manipulations.

13 votes

On generalizing Partition[] (with offsets) to sublists of unequal length

This is a complete re-write This is the original solution which was done in haste but i will leave here. It works in limited cases: multisegment[lst_List, scts_List, offset_List] := Module[{acc, o …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
4 votes

Selecting elements from a list one by one

You want to take the first number if sublist #1 and add a random number between 1 and 10 to it (not specified whether this should be an integer or real), then take the first element of sublist #2 and …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Dealing with Empty Brackets in a List

Why not delete the {} before carrying out any further analysis? newgraphlist = DeleteCases[{{}, {{0, 0.00342769}}, {{0, 0.00503465}}, {}, {{0, 0.000187}}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}, …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Combining two lists

the answers to this question will work for you. Just Flatten the final lists processList[list1_, list2_] := Module[{intersection, tmp1, tmp2}, intersection = Intersection[list1[[All, 1]], list2[[ …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Efficiently adding a fixed real numbered value to a set of elements in an array

Take advantage of listability -- meaning that you do not have to loop through the list, just add r to the list. Timing[L1 = Table[L[[q]] + r, {q, 1, Length[L]}];] (* {1.288042, Null} *) faster list …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
9 votes

How can I use Pick to select items in one list when a value in a corresponding list is $\leq...

Several ways to create the stencil. Perhaps most intuitive is just to run a test: stencil = # <= 0.5 & /@ List1 Pick[List2, stencil] (* {"a", "d", "f"} *) Edit To answer the comment below, Pick …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Change sublist based on position

I presume your starting list will never contain duplicates. Therefore: 1. sublist1 = sublist /. MapIndexed[#1 -> First[#2] &, list] (* {{2, 2, 3}, {1, 1, 1, 4, 5}} *) 2. sublist2 = BinCounts[#, { …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
3 votes

Refer to next element of list when iterating using Map

Use Partition to produce {{a, b}, {b, c}, {c, d}, {d}} then for the operation in your example total the sublists at the second level and + 1: 1 + Total[Partition[{a, b, c, d}, 2, 1, {1, 1}, {}], {2}] …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Quickly pruning elements in one structured array that exist in a separate unordered array

This method assumes modifiedTestList is a given. rules = Dispatch@Thread[Rule[modifiedTestList, Sequence[]]] tmp1=Replace[testList, rules, {2}] Also tmp2=DeleteCases[testList, Alternatives @@ modi …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
0 votes

Looking for mismatches between two lists

It seems from the comments that it is the first 3 positions that need to match (i.e. the strings) If[epiDB[[All, 1 ;; 3]] === epiExcel[[All, 1 ;; 3]], Print["Match"], (* else find the positions tha …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
4 votes

getting at the right parts of a list

Map[Flatten, GatherBy[x, #[[1, 2 ;;]] &], {2}][[All, All, 2 ;;]]
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
1 vote

Inverse of Times->Sequence

with this as your starting list list = {{a, b, c}} you could also do this list[[1, 0]] = Times; list
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

Reflect manipulations on one list in a second list

Maybe start with a basic test: test=NumericQ /@ l1 This can be used with Pick Pick[l2, test, False] If you want positions you could always use Position directly pos=Position[l1, _?NumericQ] Del …
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
3 votes

Sum the first element of a list

list[[All, 1]] = list[[All, 1]] + Range[0, Length[list] - 1]; list
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar
2 votes

How to do this job without creating a new list?

Since you do not want to make new lists, and looking for something different to the other answers: ls[[All, 2]] = Transpose[{ls[[All, 2]], v}] /. {{x_, y_} /; x < y :>0.5, {_, _} -> -0.5} ls
Mike Honeychurch's user avatar

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