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Questions on creating visualizations from functions or data using high-level constructors such as Plot, ListPlot, Histogram, etc.

1 vote

NumberLinePlot issue depending on number of elements being plotted

As @MarcoB says in the comments this is because the $n=2$ case is being interpreted as a set of two intervals rather than two separate intervals (where "interval" can also mean "points"). Functions …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
4 votes

Represent Infinities in List Ploting

If you have Mathematica version 10 how about using InfiniteLine? First generate some dummy data: d = Table[{x, Sin[x/3.1]}, {x, 0, 10}]; Set a y value to your "infinite" value: d[[3, 2]] = "xxx"; …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
1 vote

Using Multiple Kernels When Making Plots

The problem is that the argument to WaitAll should be a list of your ParallelSubmit "jobs". As in the Basic Examples of the documentation for ParallelSubmit, after first defining your function(s) and …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
0 votes

How to store standard plot settings?

You can also use the SetOptions function to change the default option settings for any function/symbol: SetOptions[Plot, PlotRange -> All, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> Black, LabelSty …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
4 votes

How to manipulate lists of parameters?

Better to use Lists, for your A and B e.g. something like: a = {1, 1}; b = {4, 2}; Then use Part, [[i]], to extract the elements. Manipulate[ Plot[fun[f, x[[1]], x[[2]]], {f, 0, 10}], {{x, a}, {a …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
1 vote

How to plot point by point in a for loop?

Then you can map your expression involving the trace and determinant using a suitable plotting function, e.g. …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
10 votes

Polar histogram

[Edited to correct the bin definition.] You could use SectorChart. The trick is to ensure that your bin widths sum to 360° and that the first bin charted starts at zero. Firstly, and borrowing sham …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
1 vote

How would I rotate a table of Cuboids around the y axis?

Firstly, no need to use Show, simply remove the ; from the end of your Graphics3D expressions. Secondly, try evaluating: Graphics3D[ Table[Cuboid[{{a + (l - 1) dx, 0, 0}, {a + l*dx, +.01, f[s …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
14 votes

How to group and join points

This approach splits each data set in to a set of curves and then attempts to join curves whose end and start points are "close enough". The measure I have used is okay for the example data and it in …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
4 votes

How to separately control plot curve style and fill ColorFunction?

I'm not sure if you can do this with the options to Plot but you can "fix" it afterwards: Plot[Abs[f[x]], {x, -3, 3}, Filling -> Axis, ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y}, Hue[Arg[f[x]]/(2 Pi)]], …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
5 votes

How can DateObject handle calender weeks

Note This answer exposed a bug in DateList's handling of the "Week" (or "WeekShort") element for week one when it begins in the previous year. This was spotted by @ChrisDegnen (see the comments) and …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar
7 votes

How can i construct a 3D surface pass through a curve defined by formula and some other cont...

Firstly to use BSplineSurface an array of control points is required, in your case: Graphics3D[BSplineSurface[Partition[icir, 2]]] As Öskå commented you can simply use ListPlot3D[icir]. The Region …
MikeLimaOscar's user avatar