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Questions on the manipulation of List objects in Mathematica, and the functions used for these manipulations.

6 votes

How do I extract the middle element(s) of a given list?

Here's a short alternative (44 characters): f = Union@{#[[p = Ceiling[Length@#/2]]], #[[-p]]} & ; Now apply your function f@yourinputlist So for these sample input lists: evenlist = CharacterRa …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
4 votes

How can I create a list containing the normalized element-by-element product of two given li...

Given a set of lists: h = Table[RandomReal[{0, 30}], {7}] g = Table[RandomReal[{17000, 20000}], {7}] (* {22.7964, 26.9984, 0.971047, 4.21998, 21.7333, 20.8884, 14.155} *) (* {18409.6, 17870.2, 19297 …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote

Table yields unexpected result

This is due to the HoldAll Attribute of Function. This can be demonstrated by temporarily clearing this attribute as follows: Internal`InheritedBlock[ {Function}, ClearAttributes[Function, HoldAl …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
0 votes

How do I get a list of all the variable present in an algebraic expression?

Adapting the answer provided here: varslist = Select[Intersection@ Flatten[Cases[#, _?AtomQ, {0, Infinity}] & /@ Variables[orig]], Not@NumberQ[#] &] {d, dd, du, u, ud, uu} where orig is yo …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
2 votes

Create table with function values from other table?

I'm not certain I've understood your question. However, if you intend to use the data (which I've cleaned up for you) TEg0 = {{4.493410, 7.725252, 10.904120, 14.066190, 17.220750, 20.371300}, {5.7634 …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
0 votes

Turning Pascal's Triangle 90 degrees counter clockwise

pascal[depth_] := Module[ {}, Row[#, Spacer[2]] &@ (Column[#, Center] & /@ Table[ Take[#1[[#2]], #2] & @@ {Array[Binomial, {depth, depth}, 0], i}, {i, 1, depth} …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
5 votes

How to replace Do loops by Inner

One option is to use MapThread, which gets you there: List /@ MapThread[Plus, u v f] But the infix notation for the Dot product is more elegant (as J.M. proposed in the comment above): List /@ (f. …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote

How can I create a list of functions?

Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but perhaps one of these steps will help. (1) Create a list of functions you wish to apply: fcnlist = {Sin, Cos, Tan} (2) Now define myfunc using a pure f …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote

Lists and Matrices

A clean way to do this is to define a pure function and then Apply it to your list: {{#1, #2}, {10 #1, 10 #2}} & @@@ list {{{1, 2}, {10, 20}}, {{3, 4}, {30, 40}}, {{5, 6}, {50, 60}}, {{7, …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
5 votes

Complex numbers from two arrays with Real and Imaginary parts

Perhaps I'm missing something, but why not do Most[leftREAL] + I leftIMAGINARY rightREAL + I rightIMAGINARY These could then be put into a single array if desired. Alternatively Flatten[fullREAL …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote

Perform operation on part of a table / create a reference

I'm not quite sure what you're after yet, but if you're looking to Map a function to a submatrix, try MapAt matrix = Array[# &, {3, 3}] MapAt[E^# &, matrix, {2 ;; 3, 2 ;; 3}] // MatrixForm Yo …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
10 votes

How make f[{x,y}] evaluate as f[x,y]?

Why not define a pure function and then Apply that to the list? f[#1, #2] & @@ p Apply is straightforward to explain to beginners because it simply replaces the head of an expression. If you want …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
3 votes

Convert coefficients of polynomials into a matrix

This seems to do the trick: qmatrix = # /. {Plus -> List, Times[const_Real, x_] -> const, n_Real -> n} & /@ vectorA I've assumed that your coefficients are Real numbers, and it appears to pass th …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote

Match patterns on list of Strings

Here's a solution which may add flexibility if one is working with more complicated strings or required patterns Select[ data, StringMatchQ[#, "A" ~~ WordCharacter] & ] If, for example, one would w …
TransferOrbit's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Table of ParametricPlots crashes Kernel

I can usually crash the Mathematica Kernel by using Table to generate a List of ParametricPlots, as follows: testpara[α_] := ParametricPlot[ { {Cos[θ], Sin[θ]}, {2 Cos[α] + Cos[θ], 2 S …
TransferOrbit's user avatar

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