Following the suggestions from the nice guys here, I finally figured out how to get the game played:
R = 20; pR = 30; oR = 40; highRng = {20, 50}; t = 0;
posts = Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]],
Cylinder[{{R Cos[ang], R Sin[ang], 0}, {R Cos[ang], R Sin[ang],
RandomInteger[highRng]}}]}, {ang, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/12}];
oposts = Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]],
Cylinder[{{oR Cos[ang], oR Sin[ang], 0}, {oR Cos[ang],
oR Sin[ang], RandomInteger[highRng]}}]}, {ang, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/12}];
im = Import[""][[1]];
Dynamic[Refresh[t = t + 0.1;
Graphics3D[{posts, oposts, White,
Rotate[im, t, {0, 0, 1}], {pR Cos[t], pR Sin[t], 20 + Sin[t]}]},
PlotRange -> {All, All, {0, 50}},
Background -> Black,
Boxed -> False,
ViewVector -> {
BlockRandom[{pR Cos[t - RandomReal[{0.5, 0.9}]],
pR Sin[t - RandomReal[{0.5, 0.9}]] ,
80 RandomReal[{0.1, 1}]}], {pR Cos[t], pR Sin[t], 20 + Sin[t]}}
UpdateInterval -> 0.1],
TrackedSymbols -> {}