One view of the problem focuses on the issue of getting a sample point in the one valley where the absolute minimum lies. If you know something about the minimum width of the valleys of your objective function(s), then one can sample at regular intervals of less than this width. To write a generic solver, the minimum width would be unknown. In this answer, I will present an approach that should work on a fairly smooth objective function.
The method is based on making a Chebyshev approximation to the function. When the approximation is fairly good, there will usually be several sample points per oscillation, assuming the amplitude of the oscillations are fairly large. The function values at the sample points are computed Chebyshev approximation. These can be used to locate valleys using PeakDetect[-values]
. Finally FindMinimum
is used to polish the minima, and the ones with the least function value are returned. (It's set up to return multiple solutions, if the absolute minimum occurs at several locations. It's possible that some locations are missed in some cases.)
###Example uses
OP's example:
min1 = chebMinimize[Sin[10 x^2] + 5 Cos[20 x], {x, 0, 5}] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.020218, {-5.99997, {{x -> 1.72776}}} } *)
Minima at end points:
chebMinimize[-x^2, {x, -1, 1}]
(* {-1., {{x -> 1.}, {x -> -1.}}} *)
Example with almost 10000 local minima:
obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {4.79622, {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} } *)
The underlying Chebyshev approximation is much faster than 10000 FindMinima[]
calls. One can limit the number of local minima and speed things up:
min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100] //
(* {0.08998, {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} } *)
The least local minima (in the discrete list of values of obj
at the sample points) are chosen, but it's possible to undersample. The success depends on where the sample points fall with respect to the absolute minimum. Note that the result below, while close, is not quite right.
min2 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 10] //
(* {0.046868, {-1.001, {{x -> -0.340726}}} } *)
min1[[2, 1]] - min2[[2, 1]]
(* -1.07694*10^-7 *)
###Code dump
There are two helper functions. The function cheb`approx[]
computes a Chebyshev series approximation to a function f
over an interval {x, a, b}
; it returns the sample points/abscissae and function values in the form {xvals, fvals}
. The function cheb`minpos[]
returns the positions of the local minima in a list of values.
There is an irrelevant data structure cheb`data
that I've been using to inspect the workings of the algorithm. For example, Length@cheb`data["Y"]
will give the number of function values, and Length@cheb`data["M"]
gives the number of local minima. (It gets overwritten with every call to chebMinimize[]
Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10,
Tolerance -> 1.*^-8,
"SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged},
"MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv =
"chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";
Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] :=
Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
"X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
"Y", (* y-values/function values *)
"F", (* the function f *)
"I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
"E", (* error *)
"C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
"M", (* positions of the local minima *)
"FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys]; (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] :=
Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
coeffs}, (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}], (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
{xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
Function[{xx, ff},
(* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
{Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]} (* riffle new values *)
] @@ # &,
(r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@ (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
(error = (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
maxR - minR
If[error > tolerance, (* check error *)
Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
cheb`data =
AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
{xvals, fvals}
chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
(* get sample points & values *)
{xvals, fvals} =
cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b},
(* get positions of minima in fvals *)
minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] &&
Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
minima = minima[[
Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
cheb`data["M"] = minima;
(* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
{All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]],
xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
] & /@ minima,
MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]