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Michael E2
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Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]]; 

(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     1 + maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

A similar thing happens with the other term Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000, except that convergence does not start until we have about 50000 points. Note that the level of the pre-convergent phase is about the amplitude of the function, 1/1000. In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

The full example is a combination of these two processes. Note that oddness of the second term is reflected in the plateau at 10^-3, which is magnitude of the first term (lower left). In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

Here is a close=upclose-up of the region where the absolute minimum was found. We can see that there are at least three sample points per oscillation, just enough to identify a good seedseeds for FindMinimum, and that every local minimum has been found.

Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     1 + maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

A similar thing happens with the other term Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000, except that convergence does not start until we have about 50000 points. Note that the level of the pre-convergent phase is about the amplitude of the function, 1/1000. In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

The full example is a combination of these two processes. Note that oddness of the second term is reflected in the plateau at 10^-3, which is magnitude of the first term (lower left).

Here is a close=up of the region where the absolute minimum was found. We can see there are at least three sample points per oscillation, just enough to identify a good seed for FindMinimum, and that every local minimum has been found.

Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]]; 

(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     1 + maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

A similar thing happens with the other term Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000, except that convergence does not start until we have about 50000 points. Note that the level of the pre-convergent phase is about the amplitude of the function, 1/1000.

The full example is a combination of these two processes. Note that oddness of the second term is reflected in the plateau at 10^-3, which is magnitude of the first term (lower left). In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

Here is a close-up of the region where the absolute minimum was found. We can see that there are at least three sample points per oscillation, just enough to identify good seeds for FindMinimum, and that every local minimum has been found.

Added analysis of accuracy
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Michael E2
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Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     1 + maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

###Some analysis of the algorithm

The accuracy of a Chebyshev series approximation can be estimated from the tail of the series: $$\left|f(x) - \sum_{k=0}^N c_k T_k(x)\right| = \left|\sum_{k=N+1}^\infty c_k T_k(x)\right| \le \sum_{k=N+1}^\infty \left|c_k \right|$$ since $|T_k(x)| = |\cos(k \arccos x)| \le 1$. It takes $N+1$ Chebyshev sample points to get a series of order $N$. The accuracy of a Chebyshev series approximation to an oscillatory function generally bounces around the amplitude of the oscillations until the number is sufficiently large. The approximation cannot really get a grip on the function until there is at least one point per extrema, but often, especially for irregular oscillations, it has will be considerable more. When convergence starts, it will be rapid for an analytic function, and the error can estimated from the last few coefficients of the Chebyshev approximation.

The term Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x] used in the extremely oscillatory example above has a "maximum frequency" of 200 / (2 Pi) near x == 0. That would translate to about 127 extrema. We can see that the Chebyshev coefficients $c_k$ start to settle down around $k = 127$, but they do not start their convergence to zero until $k$ is more than $200$. At $k = 460$, the approximation reaches the limit of machine precision. (Note also that the function is odd, which means the odd-order Chebyshev coefficients are theoretically zero. The function also has some very flat minima, which causes FindMinimum to complain.)

obj = Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, "SuppressMessages" -> All];  (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}, GridLines -> {{127, 200, 460}, None}]

Mathematica graphics

A similar thing happens with the other term Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000, except that convergence does not start until we have about 50000 points. Note that the level of the pre-convergent phase is about the amplitude of the function, 1/1000. In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000;
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]; (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}]

Mathematica graphics

The full example is a combination of these two processes. Note that oddness of the second term is reflected in the plateau at 10^-3, which is magnitude of the first term (lower left).

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]; (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}]
 Module[{i, j, plot},
  plot := ListPlot[cdata[[i ;; j]], DataRange -> {i, j}, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}];
  {i = 1; j = 600; plot,
   i = 49500; j = Length@cdata - 15000; plot}
  ], ImageSize -> 500]

Mathematica graphics

Here is a closer look at the sampling and local minima. The sample points are shown in green and red, with the red one being the seeds for FindMinimum. The local minima returned by FindMinimum are in cyan.

With[{samples = Transpose@{cheb`data["X"], cheb`data["Y"]}},
 Plot[obj, {x, -1, 1},
  PlotPoints -> 60, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.003], Lighter@Blue}, 
  Background -> Black,
  Epilog -> {PointSize[0.004],
    Green, Point[samples],
    PointSize[0.012], Red, Point@samples[[cheb`data["M"]]],
    PointSize[0.005], Cyan, 
    Point[{x, obj} /. cheb`data["FM"][[All, 2]]]},
  Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> {0, Scaled[.05]}]

Mathematica graphics

Here is a close=up of the region where the absolute minimum was found. We can see there are at least three sample points per oscillation, just enough to identify a good seed for FindMinimum, and that every local minimum has been found.

With[{samples = Transpose@{cheb`data["X"], cheb`data["Y"]}},
 Plot[obj, {x, -0.607, -0.6024},
  PlotPoints -> 60, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.003], Lighter@Blue}, 
  Background -> Black,
  Epilog -> {PointSize[0.008],
    Green, Point[samples],
    PointSize[0.015], Red, Point@samples[[cheb`data["M"]]],
    PointSize[0.008], Cyan, 
    Point[{x, obj} /. cheb`data["FM"][[All, 2]]]},
  Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> {0, Scaled[.05]}]

Mathematica graphics

Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]
Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     1 + maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

###Some analysis of the algorithm

The accuracy of a Chebyshev series approximation can be estimated from the tail of the series: $$\left|f(x) - \sum_{k=0}^N c_k T_k(x)\right| = \left|\sum_{k=N+1}^\infty c_k T_k(x)\right| \le \sum_{k=N+1}^\infty \left|c_k \right|$$ since $|T_k(x)| = |\cos(k \arccos x)| \le 1$. It takes $N+1$ Chebyshev sample points to get a series of order $N$. The accuracy of a Chebyshev series approximation to an oscillatory function generally bounces around the amplitude of the oscillations until the number is sufficiently large. The approximation cannot really get a grip on the function until there is at least one point per extrema, but often, especially for irregular oscillations, it has will be considerable more. When convergence starts, it will be rapid for an analytic function, and the error can estimated from the last few coefficients of the Chebyshev approximation.

The term Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x] used in the extremely oscillatory example above has a "maximum frequency" of 200 / (2 Pi) near x == 0. That would translate to about 127 extrema. We can see that the Chebyshev coefficients $c_k$ start to settle down around $k = 127$, but they do not start their convergence to zero until $k$ is more than $200$. At $k = 460$, the approximation reaches the limit of machine precision. (Note also that the function is odd, which means the odd-order Chebyshev coefficients are theoretically zero. The function also has some very flat minima, which causes FindMinimum to complain.)

obj = Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, "SuppressMessages" -> All];  (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}, GridLines -> {{127, 200, 460}, None}]

Mathematica graphics

A similar thing happens with the other term Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000, except that convergence does not start until we have about 50000 points. Note that the level of the pre-convergent phase is about the amplitude of the function, 1/1000. In general, one should expect that for the algorithm to be guaranteed to be successful, the approximation should have an error much less than this minimum amplitude of the oscillations. When this is not known, one can see that a machine-precision approximation is possible. If the oscillations of this order, then it will hopeless anyway, unless the working precision is increased.

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000;
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]; (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}]

Mathematica graphics

The full example is a combination of these two processes. Note that oddness of the second term is reflected in the plateau at 10^-3, which is magnitude of the first term (lower left).

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]; (* load cheb`data *)
cdata = RealExponent@cheb`data["C"];
ListPlot[cdata, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}]
 Module[{i, j, plot},
  plot := ListPlot[cdata[[i ;; j]], DataRange -> {i, j}, PlotRange -> {-18, 2}];
  {i = 1; j = 600; plot,
   i = 49500; j = Length@cdata - 15000; plot}
  ], ImageSize -> 500]

Mathematica graphics

Here is a closer look at the sampling and local minima. The sample points are shown in green and red, with the red one being the seeds for FindMinimum. The local minima returned by FindMinimum are in cyan.

With[{samples = Transpose@{cheb`data["X"], cheb`data["Y"]}},
 Plot[obj, {x, -1, 1},
  PlotPoints -> 60, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.003], Lighter@Blue}, 
  Background -> Black,
  Epilog -> {PointSize[0.004],
    Green, Point[samples],
    PointSize[0.012], Red, Point@samples[[cheb`data["M"]]],
    PointSize[0.005], Cyan, 
    Point[{x, obj} /. cheb`data["FM"][[All, 2]]]},
  Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> {0, Scaled[.05]}]

Mathematica graphics

Here is a close=up of the region where the absolute minimum was found. We can see there are at least three sample points per oscillation, just enough to identify a good seed for FindMinimum, and that every local minimum has been found.

With[{samples = Transpose@{cheb`data["X"], cheb`data["Y"]}},
 Plot[obj, {x, -0.607, -0.6024},
  PlotPoints -> 60, PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.003], Lighter@Blue}, 
  Background -> Black,
  Epilog -> {PointSize[0.008],
    Green, Point[samples],
    PointSize[0.015], Red, Point@samples[[cheb`data["M"]]],
    PointSize[0.008], Cyan, 
    Point[{x, obj} /. cheb`data["FM"][[All, 2]]]},
  Frame -> True, PlotRangePadding -> {0, Scaled[.05]}]

Mathematica graphics

Fixed code
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Example with 4000+almost 10000 local minima:

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20]  // AbsoluteTiming
(*  {24.2062279622,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)

The underlying Chebyshev approximation is much faster than 400010000 FindMinima[] calls. One can limit the number of local minima and speed things up:

min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]  //
(*  {0.21596808998,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)
min2 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 10]  //
(*  {0.182675046868,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.340726}}} }  *)

min1[[2, 1]] - min2[[2, 1]]
(*  -1.07694*10^-7  *)
Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v]]["NonzeroPositions"]];v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

Example with 4000+ local minima:

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20]  // AbsoluteTiming
(*  {2.20622,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)

The underlying Chebyshev approximation is much faster than 4000 FindMinima[] calls. One can limit the number of local minima and speed things up:

min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]  //
(*  {0.215968,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)
min2 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 10]  //
(*  {0.182675,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.340726}}} }  *)

min1[[2, 1]] - min2[[2, 1]]
(*  -1.07694*10^-7  *)
Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]

Example with almost 10000 local minima:

obj = Sin[50000 x + 1]/1000 + Sin[200 Cos[Pi x/2]^8 x];
min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20]  // AbsoluteTiming
(*  {4.79622,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)

The underlying Chebyshev approximation is much faster than 10000 FindMinima[] calls. One can limit the number of local minima and speed things up:

min1 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 100]  //
(*  {0.08998,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.605373}}} }  *)
min2 = chebMinimize[obj, {x, -1, 1}, MaxRecursion -> 20, "MaxMinima" -> 10]  //
(*  {0.046868,  {-1.001, {{x -> -0.340726}}} }  *)

min1[[2, 1]] - min2[[2, 1]]
(*  -1.07694*10^-7  *)
Options[chebMinimize] = {MinRecursion -> 4, MaxRecursion -> 10, 
   Tolerance -> 1.*^-8, 
   "SuppressMessages" :> {FindMinimum::lstol, FindMinimum::reged}, 
   "MaxMinima" -> Infinity};
chebMinimize::ncv = 
  "chebMinimize failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after `1` \
recursive bisections of {`2`, `3`}. chebMinimize obtained `4` for the \
relative error estimate.";

Clear[cheb`minpos, cheb`approx];
(* Returns the indices of the search starting point of the bracketing sample points.
* Note that the Chebyshev abscissae are reversed *)
cheb`minpos[v_] := 
  Flatten[SparseArray[PeakDetect[-v, 0, 0, Infinity]]["NonzeroPositions"]];
(* Returns the abscissae and function values of a
* Chebyshev approximation of f of absolute error less than tolerance *)
cheb`$keys = {
   "X", (* x-values/abscissae *)
   "Y", (* y-values/function values *)
   "F", (* the function f *)
   "I", (* the interval {x, a, b} *)
   "E", (* error *)
   "C", (* Chebyshev coefficients *)
   "M", (* positions of the local minima *)
   "FM" (* FindMinimum results *)
cheb`data = AssociationMap[None &, cheb`$keys];  (* not needed; used for diagnostics *)
cheb`approx[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, tolerance_, minR_: 4, maxR_: 10] := 
  Module[{vf, xvals, fvals, error, r = minR,
    coeffs},  (* coeffs are not needed; saved in cheb`data *)
   If[Quiet@ListQ[f /. x -> {N@a}],    (* vf = Listable-ized f *)
    vf = Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &,
    vf = Map[Evaluate[f /. x -> #] &, #] &;
   {xvals, fvals} = NestWhile[
     Function[{xx, ff}, 
        (* recursive bisection of abscissae *)
        With[{new = Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[1., 2^r, 2]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}]},
         {Riffle[xx, new], Riffle[ff, vf[new]]}   (* riffle new values *)
        ] @@ # &,
     (r++; {#, vf[#]}) &@     (* initial subdivision of {a,b} *)
      Rescale[Cos[Pi Range[0., 2^r]/2^r], {-1, 1}, {a, b}],
     (error =                 (* calculate error from tail of Chebyshev series *)
        Total@Abs@#[[-Max[2, r] ;;]]/Max@Abs[#] &[
          coeffs = FourierDCT[Last@#, 1]]) > tolerance &,
     maxR - minR
   If[error > tolerance,      (* check error *)
    Message[chebMinimize::ncv, maxR, a, b, error]
   cheb`data = 
    AssociationThread[cheb`$keys -> {xvals, fvals, f, {x, a, b}, error, coeffs, {}, {}}];
   {xvals, fvals}

chebMinimize[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
  Module[{xvals, fvals, minima, res},
   (* get sample points & values *)
   {xvals, fvals} = 
    cheb`approx[f, {x, a, b}, 
   (* get positions of minima in fvals *)
   minima = cheb`minpos[fvals];
   If[NumericQ[OptionValue["MaxMinima"]] && 
       Length@minima > OptionValue["MaxMinima"],
    minima = minima[[
       Ordering[fvals[[minima]], OptionValue["MaxMinima"]]
   cheb`data["M"] = minima;

   (* polish minima with FindMinimum *)
   res = With[{msgs = OptionValue[chebMinimize, {opts}, "SuppressMessages", Hold] /.
       {All | Automatic :> Sequence[], None -> {}}},
     msgs /. Hold[m___] :> MinimalBy[First]@
         cheb`data["FM"] = FindMinimum[f,
              xvals[[Clip[# + 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]], 
              xvals[[Clip[# - 1, {1, Length@xvals}]]]}
             ] & /@ minima,
   MapAt[First, Transpose@res, 1]
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