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How to import huggingface dataset files?

The .hf file from HuggingFace's datasets library is a very popular format: Is there an easy way to import these from either files on disk or their webportal?
user5601's user avatar
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Is is a bug when importing MXNet model?

There is a trained Using Python to make prediction: ...
partida's user avatar
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How to parse through a .txt file in the Classify function and assign a class to each item?

I have 2 txt files that contain 500 DNA sequences each. Both files use 2 hard returns to separate the sequences like so: ATCGATCT... ATCGATCT... ATCGATCT... I ...
Laughing Man's user avatar
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interface problem for image recognition

I made the following code that should recognize the image imported from the pc. If I do it for the first time it's fine, but if I load a second image it leaves me the name of the previous one. You ...
Pasquale's user avatar
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How can I speed up import images into memory and make training more efficient

My memory is 32GB, windows 10, cpu 7700k, GTX1080 50k images[400MB] cost me 30 minutes. In a CAPTCHA example, a simple net and in tunning hyper-parameters step with small values of MaxTrainingRounds, ...
HyperGroups's user avatar
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