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Page breaks and headings in long table or grid

I have a need for long tables in a document I am producing but I am having difficulty. The printed document ends up with page breaks midway through the table which cuts rows part way through. I'd also ...
CrustyNoodle's user avatar
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Creating a style that center aligns columns but tweeks terms that are negative

I have created the following style in a private stylesheet that applies to gridbox structures for matrices. So far I have ...
B flat's user avatar
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How to draw such boxes in Netron?

How to draw a box like this: This was drawn by My attempt: ...
Aster's user avatar
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Text in Grid cells not aligning correctly and how to style them all with single rule

This is the entire module that contains all code to output with a Print[Grid[data, rules]] statement. I have all cells arranged in stacked rows in a convenient <...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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How could I make an Excel-like table?

I am looking to build a simple Excel type of a table with four columns. I have spent some time researching Mathematica documentation, but haven't come across a way to implement that. Here is a picture ...
Mike2006's user avatar
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Panel size undesired behaviour

This is next question from the series: better avoid Panel if you care about details. previous about FrameMargins In the ...
Kuba's user avatar
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Changing mouse over grid behavior

How to achieve that mouse over Grid is always an arrow like we see on first image (when mouse is over an item of the grid) and never the the shape we see in the ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Problems with using Riffle, Grid and TableForm

I have the following Table: ...
Richard Burke-Ward's user avatar
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Decimal alignment in a grid

I tried to find an answer and found quite a few posts on similar topics, but none of them really helped me. Here is a typical example: ...
Pirx's user avatar
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Vertical text in a nested grid not aligning correctly along the horizontal (center desired)

I reconstructed the results of several functions that generate rows and nested grids so as to do away with the minutia. I am having difficulty getting the vertical text to ...
Jules Manson's user avatar
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