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Judging the quality of fitting an EventData object to a distribution using LogRankTest

I have $389$ data points defined in an EventData object and want to judge the quality of fit of this data to a fitted $3$-parameter Weibull distribution. This ...
Steve's user avatar
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Fitting data to an empirical distribution, finding best fit

So I have a non-standard (non-normal, non-Gaussian, non-exponential, etc...) distribution, so I created a distribution empirically: ...
Matt Stein's user avatar
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Mixture coefficients and Parameter estimation for moving Normal distributions

I am searching for a way to do the following steps below. I am stumped and I have stumped a few profs too. Any help would be appreciated. I would like to import data from, say, excel or a .txt file ...
dsmalenb's user avatar
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Normal Distribution of random plot

I have the following data, ...
a019's user avatar
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Fit to Binomial Function

I have the following data, and need to fit a binomial distribution to this data. I have already done so for a gaussian fit (this is the example code I have below), but I am having trouble using a ...
Ike C.'s user avatar
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Creating a prediction/distribution based on several years of data

So I have several years of data from a survey. For each year I've used FindDistribution and Predict to see if I can fit the data. Here's one example Where I used FindDistribution to get ...
Illari's user avatar
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